Thank you for your advice, I have been following it and so transitioned my son onto 2 naps, trouble is I feel the nights are getting worse, maybe it's still early days but last 2 nights haven't been that great.
The naps are ok so I've been getting 1.5-2 h naps and I have extended A time to 2.75h between wake up and first nap, 3hs between the 2 naps and 3.15hs between 2nd nap and night sleep (which has been brought forward to 7-7.15pm). 2 nights ago he woke up at 3am for feed then up again at 5.30am and took me 1h to get him back to sleep.
then last night he woke up at 2 am and started babbling and giggling and tossing and didn't go back to sleep until 3.30 am or so. I didn't feed him and just left him in his cot with no intervention as he was not crying and after that he woke at 6am. So the good thing is that he didn't have any night feed at all but still not fun to listen his giggling for 1.5hs middle of the night.
Is there anything I haven't done right?
Basically this is how our days went:
6.30ish wake up
9.15am first nap for 1.5 hs (awake around 11 am)
2 pm second nap for nearly 2 hs (awake at 4pm)
7.15 pm in bed asleep.