It took a week to do a slow wean at BT on my DS's bottle. I also felt it was a big part of our BT WD routine and was worried about changing it but it was so smooth. Milk in a cup or with a straw earlier on with a solids snack, before bath time, then the normal BT routine but with the milk in the bottle reduced by 1oz. I took a bottle of water with me in case he drained the milk but this never happened.
Each day reduce by 1oz but also look to see how much is taken, if less is taken than you offer then the next day you only offer that amount, the 1oz less again. In the end we did the usual routine but instead of sitting with a bottle of milk he had a quick sip of water (or as much as he wanted but it was never much as he'd had his milk and supper earlier on) followed by song and cuddles.
You can still sit and cuddle with the music for the usual amount of time so there doesn't need to be any loss of bonding time.
I found mine quite soon wanted to get into bed quicker.
I didn't do books at BT until mine was about 5yo or something. Not all kids like books at BT. Mine does love books, always has, but BT was not the time for them until he was much older - way too stimulating when what he wanted was clam and sleep.