Hi there
Some LOs just aren't very interested in solids until they are a bit older, it doesn't mean your LO will necessarily have problems with solids.
Was she full term? some LOs who are born a little earlier just aren't ready to take solids until their birth age is a little older.
Any illnesses, tongue tie or reflux perhaps that might be impacting? Any teething which could be putting her off foods?
Really at this age it is only about learning tastes and textures and the social aspect of eating together, seeing what Mummy/family does with the food etc and imitating that. So I would just keep offering her once or twice per day when you eat. Offer the same foods you are eating (so long as they are not sugary, high salt, whole nuts, honey - the usual rules for babies) and eat at the same time so she can copy you. Just give her one or maybe two different foods on her plate/tray and just one or two fingers of each. She might only pick a piece of finger food up and squish it, that's okay for now, and she might taste it without actually eating it and that's okay too. I would focus more on enjoying your own meal rather than trying to get her to eat hers. Tell her what the foods are and show her you enjoy it, then just have a nice meal and a chat together without focusing on how much is eaten of if the food is even tried.
Make sure you wait an hour after her milk feed so that she is not totally full from milk.
I knew a couple of twins who were born a little early, they barely ate a mouthful of solids from 6-9 months and at 9 months it really started to pick up. By 12 months they were eating proper full solids meals with the family and had a great appetite. They just weren't ready at 6 months like some LOs are that's all.
Of course if you do have concerns then speaking with your GP or paediatrician might be a good idea.