Thank you, this is all good information! Without a nap, her mood is mild, but not great. She's kind of cranky & tired. But she's a very content kid, so she's not impossible.
When we try to get her down, she rolls around her bed, talks to us, stands up, jumps off her bed, lays on her back to stick her feet up the wall, tries to sit in our lap & more. We let her hold our hand to fall asleep, but she only cares to do that when/if she's finally given in to sleep. When we put her down, we do our routine, which is reading a Bible story in her bed & then she lays down while we sing a song. Then we tell her "Okay, I'm going to sit next to you until you fall asleep. If you get out of bed, you will get a spanking." Then when she's acting like she's going to get out of bed, we remind her. When she does, she gets a spanking & put back in bed. We do our best to keep completely calm, so we're not reacting.
I'm really starting to think she's just not tired at naptime. However, if she doesn't already have them, while we try to get her down, she develops dark circles under her eyes & they get heavy. It feels like she needs a rework of her routine, but I don't know where to start.
I feel like with the will issue, letting her just get up after 45 minutes, it feels like I've given in & let her win. That's why we've always just waited out the time she should be napping.