Author Topic: 12 week old will only nap on me!  (Read 2387 times)

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12 week old will only nap on me!
« on: January 07, 2018, 01:56:38 am »
Hi all, i am new here so please let me know if i have posted in the wrong section etc.

My baby girl is 12.5 weeks old and does not sleep well during the day, she is good at night though.

Since she has been 5 weeks she has been doing the following during the day:
- Gets sleepy towards end of bottle, eventually falls asleep while i hold her upright (to let her food go down). I rock her a bit and put her in bed for a nap. She is up 5 mins later.
-The only time i have got her to nap in her cot is when she is still awake after milk, i rock her a bit to get her drowsy, i qrap her amd put her in. But she only sleeps for 30 to 40 mins. One time i sat next to her when she slept amd noticed that at 30 mins her eyes opened and she spat up a bit. Maybe that what awakens her.
-when she is up after being put in the cor i try to resettle her by rocking her. I can never reallybget her sleepy enough to put back in though.
-during the day i have now let her sleep on me so she can at least get some sort of sleep.
- when she awakens and has food she is showing tired signs in 30 mins (yawning).

At night she sleeps well though, i set up her night time routine as winding down from 6pm (take her for a walk, change her, read book). Bottle at 6.30, she takes an hour to finish her bottle, asleep by 7.30pm. She is usually out until 3am,i get her a bottle and then back to bed at 4am thennshe iz up at 7am.

When she is up at 7am i then change, feed and attempt to play if she is still awake then try for a nap. I try to limit her awake time to 1.5 to 2 hours.

She seems tired all the time though, it looks like she is getting eye bags.

Please help!!

Offline becj86

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Re: 12 week old will only nap on me!
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2018, 05:26:50 am »
Hi, welcome to BW :)

I'm a bit confused - you're saying she's up for a feed then falls asleep on the bottle and you put her down for a sleep but you also say she's up for 1.5-2hr each A time... Perhaps writing a day out in EAS format may help.

At 3 months, average A time is 1.5hr, so its reasonable to be sticking to that rather than letting it get to 2hr awake.

Something like this is what I'd suggest:
7 - WU, feed, then keep her up, even if she is sleepy
8:30 - nap
10 - wake, feed
11:30 - nap
1 - wake, feed
2:30 - nap
4 - wake, feed
5:30 - 45min catnap
6:15 - wake, feed
7:30 - asleep in bed for the night