I've been here before when I was struggling to get my oldest son in his own bed when we was 18 months old.
Now at 3 he goes to bed easily, we don't even prompt him. Hell ask to brush his teeth and wash his hands and he goes to bed on his own. Our problem is he doesn't sleep very long at all, then he's up all night.
He will go to bed on his own around 9pm, then he's up between 12-1 and he stays up in his room playing all night, sometimes not going to bed until 10 AM after breakfast!
Then he sleeps until about 4pm and does it all over again.
I've tried limiting the nap to just a few hours, I've tried taking out his light bulb so he can't play in his room during the night, I've tried an earlier bedtime, I've tried a later bedtime. I don't know what to do anymore.
He's turned into a crabby little monster and everything I've tried hasn't worked, anyone have any suggestions?