Hello ladies! DD just turned 2 in December and is still sleeping in a sleep sack (which I have absolutely no issue with), thing is, over the last week she’s decided to take it off during nap and tonight when I went to check on her before I went to bed I saw she’d taken it off. Up until now she’s used it for both nights and naps consistently since we stopped swaddling. I very much find that it is a cue for her that it’s sleep time so I’m a little worried about taking it away. I think her sleep needs are changing a bit, she’s always been on the higher end of sleep needs, but we’re finding some messing around at naps and bed, so I’m not sure if taking the sack off is just more of a symptom of her sleep needs changing and she’s bored, or if she doesn’t actually like sleeping in it

I don’t know if I should just stop using it altogether and hope for the best, or still put it on and if she takes it off then whatever? There were a few times over the summer where it was very hot so I tried not putting it on for nap, and then she just messed around, and then I got fed up and went it and put it on and she was out like a light...it was literally like she had missed the cue that it was sleep time.
She is generally very easy to put to sleep (thank you BW!), sleep sack on, few stories, into the crib and I say night night and she goes to sleep.