My LO is just 18months now. I can't say we are suffering any regression at this time. We had some issues when she was 17.5 months while we were traveling that we chalked up to being due to vacation (although, if we we're at home it would probably fit the definition)
But I am trying to prepare myself just in case. She is still sleeping well (knock on wood) but I am noticing a few slight changes.
Due to my schedule change she is sleeping longer at night 11.5h (from 11h), up until recently she was still having 2:15 nap at home and ~2h nap at daycare.
Her daycare naps have recently become a lot shorter... Now they are not very consistent with PD so, not sure if that is part of it. Today at daycare she only slept for 50 min and was signing and chatting the rest of the time...
Would you recommend that I just observe the next few days to see if her naps continue to be short??
Otherwise... Would you recommend a later BT (back to 11h at night) for longer nap, or keep the longer night and accept the short nap??? I guess each LO is probably different...
**Talk about asking for trouble**
I may have an idea what this regression looks like... Definitely similar to what we were experiencing while traveling... Arg!!
Tonight: started crying/whining after PD. She doesn't want to be picked up or anything, but she wants myself or hubby to be around. She walks around her crib talking. If we ask her to lay down, she will, but then pop up again... Whining... Talking... Eventually crying again... Popping up and down...
She waves good bye, says "night night", lays down... I leave, she popps up and it continues...
It was 40 mins of that... She probably just tired herself out... She is still banging around