After four month with our baby awaking and asking for breast feeding every hour, we finally startet put up put down from Tracy Hoog 10 days ago. He is now 7 1/2 month old and he is a high need baby. Very difficult.
It was really hard because finally he fell asleep crying and brathless.
Second day was better with his father but never with me.
Anyway, the problem is, it started getting better the second night. The 4th and 5th night we had a regression and I was about to give up, but my husband said we will go on and so we did. I was happy cause it got better and better.
I still had to feed him 1-2 times a night, but this was ok for me. Better than every hour.
But now, the last 2 nights where horrible. We returned to awaiking every hour crying.
So p.u. / p.d. did only work 1 week for us and we are not sure how to go on now.
Can anyone help?
I also have another question.
The book sais to put up baby and put him down inmediately once he is calm, but it also sais not to hold him more than 2 minutes at this age.
But sometimes he goes on crying and crying in my arms much longer than that.
So should I put him down anyway even if the is still crying after 2 minutes or should I wait until he calms down like I was doing it?
Also I’m never sure if he wakes up hungry or not, so I do pu/pd whithout feeding if he wakes up before 4h of sleep but every 4h (if he awakes) I feed him.
It’s cause I cannot manage to think that he could be crying cause he is hungry, as before he was eating nearly every hour at night.