Author Topic: 11 month going off milk  (Read 3633 times)

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Offline Tilsley1471

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11 month going off milk
« on: August 15, 2018, 09:35:07 am »
My lo will be 11 months next week. Over the last few months she dropped her mid morning and afternoon bottles and then started getting fussy with the morning and evening one but it coincided with her learning to crawl, cruise etc and when I offered it in a training sippee cup (with a valve) she could do it herself and was happy to. The HV said this was all fine at her review and she had put on weight. She was having about 5-6oz in the morning and 6-8oz at night. Now over the last week she's been dropping her morning bottle and completely refuses it today and has been decreasing her evening bottle and only taking about 3-4oz of this. Her dinner is at 4.45 and her bottle is at about 6.40. Her morning bottle is always before breakfast. I'm not really sure what to do about this (FTM) or if anyone has any advice? I did try replacing an oz of formula with cows milk in readiness to transition (she wasn't dropping it before I started doing this). Thank you

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Re: 11 month going off milk
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2018, 21:29:40 pm »
They do start doing all sorts of things when they get to the 1 year mark!

Although you do still need to push the milk for the next few weeks at least, you can give more dairy products in her food so she still gets the nutrients. Can you move her dinner a bit earlier and the bed time bottle a bit later to space them out a bit more? Is she having the morning and bedtime milk in a cup or the bottle? If it's still the bottle, try the cup instead.

The other thing that could be having an impact is teething, that often puts them off their bottles. You could try teething gel just before a bottle to see if that helps. My DD got very fussy with her morning bottle around 1 so I gave her breakfast first, usually cereal with milk so a few oz there and then a snack mid morning with a drink of milk. That suited her a lot better. There's not rules to say when they should have their milk so you could play with the timings a bit.



Offline Tilsley1471

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Re: 11 month going off milk
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2018, 05:43:34 am »
Thank you for your reply  :)

She has her milk in a sippee cup - she refuses the bottle which I guess makes it easier for me in terms of weaning her off them.

I tried spacing the evening milk last night so it was 2.5 hours in between and she still only took 3oz. This morning I've tried it in her sippee cup (with valve), sippee cup without valve, her free flow cup and her munchkin cup but she wasn't interested at all. I did try an oz of cows milk too but again she didn't want that.

I did wonder teething but she has 8 now so I think her next ones are her molars but other than her putting her hands in her mouth, she's not showing any other signs and happily takes water from her cup and is eating but I will give a gel ago and trying milk at snack time - thank you