Author Topic: 7 months old not nursing  (Read 1875 times)

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7 months old not nursing
« on: July 16, 2018, 10:13:01 am »
I know it`s a phase when LOs get distracted by anything and everything and feeds take longer. It started at 4 month. But now in addition to that she is not interested in feeding.

I nurse her on both sides and she usually will have 5 minutes on right side and 2 on left side (I produce less milk on that side).

She just turned 7 months old. I do blw for 4 weeks now, I give her what I`m having when she is awake for my meals and we do family dinner time. She is not really eating much loves foods.

She is also waking 3 times at night for feeds. They go smoother and she might be drinking a bit more.  She wakes around 10:30, 5-6 and one in between at random. I`d like a bit more sleep because I`m so tiered but I really dont mind the feeds if she needs them.

I`m worried my supply is going down because she is not  nursing enough. I`m wondering if I should pump after every feed but I worry that when she wants to nurse there wont be enough milk when she wants to nurse again. It`s also very hot here and I`d like to get more fluids in her so she doesnt gets dehydrated. 

I saw another post similar to this and I tried some of the advice but no luck. I tried walking while feeding her, toys to keep her at breast, I dont go to feed her immediately when she wakes at night, I wait and can get 30-60 minutes sleep until she wakes again.

Today she had a feed around 4, she didnt wanted to feed when she woke up just before 7. I waited a and hour and she nursed a bit. For breakfast she had 1/3 banana and 1tbs baby rice, ate very little, nursed for a minute.  After her nap she nursed for 2 minutes on one side, was not interested in the other side and she puked.

Should I ride it out or is there should I be doing something.

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Re: 7 months old not nursing
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2018, 09:22:11 am »
How's it going now? How many BFs are you offering in the day?

Do you know why she was sick?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: 7 months old not nursing
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2018, 15:34:21 pm »

Hi, is the other similar post you've read the "7months broken feed one"? Have a look if not, it was my thread and I had a similar situation. It drove me nuts for weeks. I did a few things but mostly I think she outgrew it by herself.

Feeds aren't great since temperatures have soared up again and I've noticed today that she'll take a bottle of expressed milk at room temperature or slightly chilled when she refuses the boob. She had been refusing to eat for several hours today, and was mostly playing with water in her cup so I got concerned about dehydration: I tried water in a baby bottle, she took it avidly. So I clicked and gave some expressed milk in it and she guzzled it down!! Maybe try that? Someone had mentioned it before but I had never needed to do it until today: I suspect it's so hot that she doesn't fancy close contact or body temperature milk.

Good luck, it's tough

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Re: 7 months old not nursing
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2018, 17:13:38 pm »
Yes, I read your thread. I tried a few things mentioned there.

She wont take bottle of anythings, I give her water in a suppy cup, with a beaker or from a cup and she drinks like a little puppy  :D But it doesnt matter because I cant even pump 1oz, not even 10ml. I was never able to this time.

Ali, I dont know why she puked. She only nursed 30 seconds but puked like she ate too much. I dont over supply or forceful latdown .

I lowered her the amount of solids I gave her, and I`ve been eating oatmeal, brewers yeast, and flax every day. She is doing better. Still waking at night but it`s not every 2 hours. She gets 3 hours stretches, sometimes more.

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Re: 7 months old not nursing
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2018, 21:06:06 pm »
My 8mo isn't enjoying the close body contact of breast feeds either.  Her best feeds are lying down on our sides facing each other but bodies hardly touching.  Obviously that's mostly only possible at home.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011