Sounds like you'll need to have a read about Baby Led Weaning (BLW). In short this is where baby feeds himself and you offer the regular food that the rest of the family are eating. The normal rules about what not to offer apply (eg no raw fish, no honey, no sugar, very low salt) and in addition no whole nuts or other choke hazards such as whole cherry tomatoes or grapes. The food rules might mean you need to change your cooking style (eg don't use salt) and there may be some meals you decide not to offer LO but give an alternative. Usually foods are offered as finger foods, the size of an adults finger so that they are easy for LO to grasp and handle, they can hold in a fist grip and still get a bit to their mouth to gum/chew on.
Here is a link:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=186135.0and a support thread for chatting about your progress or asking others (I know there are a couple of people who have also just started BLW):
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=259337.0Lots of people find it useful to attend a paedi first aid course when starting BLW, babies who eat purees and mushed foods can also choke but often it is more of a worry for parents when the foods are whole. Here's a link about the difference between choking and gagging:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=241398.0I notice that a couple of our FAQs have been damage in the last server change, the list of foods to avoid (which I guess you know already as you started purees) and the BLW faq. I'll have to have a look into producing some new FAQs when I find time but meanwhile there is loads of info on the internet about BLW and heaps of recipe sites now too. It's a really common weaning method these days.
hope that's some help