Hello my lo is 11 months. Her current EASY is:
WU: 6.50
A: 3.10
S: 45-50 minutes
A: 3 hours
S: 1 - 1.5 hours
A: 3.10-3.5 (depending on length of last nap)
BT: between 6.25-6.50 depending on last nap
She has milk in the morning and evening and 3 meals and snacks
She's started sleep crying at about 4.30am but will go back to sleep without assistance. The sleep cries last for a few seconds and no more than a minute but I am not too sure why she is starting to do this. I've worked hard on naps to stop her EMW of 5/5.30 she used to do and I worry in case it's going to start going back that way although she never woke crying when she woke at this time. Any ideas what could be causing this? I don't think it's OT as we have no other night wakings and she's getting a good amount of sleep (12 hours or more of NS and between 2 to 2.5 of day naps). Thank you