Author Topic: Help!! 5 months baby never take a nap over 20 minutes!!  (Read 1922 times)

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Offline monica88ling

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Help!! 5 months baby never take a nap over 20 minutes!!
« on: January 25, 2019, 00:41:18 am »
Hello, I have a 5 months old baby who doesn't take a nap longer than 20 minutes!! :'( :'(

He was good before 4 months old and his nap time is become shorter and shorter after 4 months!! He doesn't look tired or fuss after his nap, in the opposite, he looks happy when I get close to his crib. I put him to his crib when he has yawn. Sometimes he will fall asleep soon sometimes he doesn't.  After about 15 minutes, he shakes his head hardly and he will wake up. It's hard to put him to sleep at night and he can't sleep through the night either. He usually wakes up every 4-5 hours and I have to feed him. I feed him breastmilk only. He slept with my husband and me for one night because he was screaming and we couldn't stop him. He slept very well at that night but we thought it is better for him to sleep in his crib. So we put him back in the next day and he screamed again, I had to sleep with him and my husband had to sleep in the guest room. I found he can sleep through the night if he sleeps in our bed. And he wakes up at night if he sleeps in his crib.

We follow EASY routine when he was 2 months, it was good and now it seems doesn't work since his nap time is too short. I feed him 5-6 times per day and around 10 minutes each time. He is 19 pounds now and starts to learn how to flit over. I don't know whether I should feed him solid food now or later since his pediatrician said we can feed him now and I know it is better to have it after 6 months. Sometimes I am wondering whether he is hungry since he can't sleep through the night. But in the daytime, he looks fine.

Please help!!!

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Re: Help!! 5 months baby never take a nap over 20 minutes!!
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2019, 08:28:09 am »
He usually wakes up every 4-5 hours and I have to feed him.
Feeding at 4-5 hours is within normal for a baby of 5mo. At that age 1-2 night feeds is pretty much to be expected - yes some don't but most do.  "5-6 hours is actually considered sleeping through the night"  It's just we all get told about the Dream babies that go longer.  My DS1 was  a chubby 10kg (about 22lb) at that age & would feed at 7pm, 11pm 3am & 6am give or take... he's a skinny 15yo now!

How long is he awake before you put him down for a nap, as it sounds like he is undertired & the naps are more habitual timing than needing sleep.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline monica88ling

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Re: Help!! 5 months baby never take a nap over 20 minutes!!
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2019, 21:12:31 pm »
I usually put him to take a nap about 1.5-2 hours after I feed him. I feel he is getting worse at night now! He wakes up every 3.5 hours! I was told baby will sleep better if he is fed by formula, but it doesn’t work for my boy. I don’t know what to do now!