She was awake for 1 hour between 2-3 am with the 3h 2nd A time. Just chatting, not really crying. May due to the shorthened A time during the day? Have no clue.
Yesterday looked liked this (this was the day after the 1h NW at 2am):
3h10m A (6:50 -10:00)
2h S
3h40m A (we visited Grandma and left a little late for home)
30m S in the car (was very tired, so 3h40m is way too long A for her. I woke her at 30m)
3h10 A (last 20mins bf and drowsing)
She woke only at 5:20am for bf and woke at 7:20.
From a NW point of view I would be fine with this
If I go with what you suggest (let her sleep as long as she wants for the first S and expect only a catnap for the 2nd) do you think I should start slowly extending the first A time?