Hello, I would like to ask some advice regarding handling my DS1 sudden separation anxiety at bedtime. I am not 100 % sure what really triggered it but I see it is getting worse. I think it may have been triggered by my reaction to his general behavior. He has a 4 month old brother (he is cutting his first teeth now and needs little more attention) so I try to give him as much love and hugs as possible to avoid jealousy, but sometimes it is just to much of his whining for no apparent reason that puts me through the edge and I react strongly. At nap time he is in general ok, sometimes he will whine when I leave but soon will start playing in his crib and eventually will go to sleep. He sort of started refusing bedtime and I kind of need to push him to go to sleep. But recent nights it got worse, he wants me to sit with him and if I try to leave the room he will start whining but not crying. The crying will come if I go back and try to leave again. Each time I would go back and leave he would get more hysterical. Last night I tucked him in, sit for a little bit as usual, gave him his cup and eventually left. He started whining immediately but it was just whining, it continued on and of for over 30 min, than it turned into more whining and sort of crying and eventually he woke up his brother and I was forced to go in. I had to stay in until he fall asleep because if I would leave he would completely wake up DS2

. If my husband goes in and calms him down he will go to sleep immediately but my husband is often still at work in the evening.
I need the evenings back as this is the only time I can do some chores or relax so I want to ask which training method you thing would be the most appropriate considering above behavior: WI/WO or GW?