My little girl is almost 2.5 and we are noticing some sleep changes, so just wondering about next steps...
She naturally over time has pushed her nap time back, I can't say that she is fighting her nap b/c she definitely still wants it (asks for it) and she will sleep between 1-2h. But....
She is now fighting bedtime and waking early...
Ex. BT 8:00 (won't go down till 8:30)
WT 6:30 (up between 6:00-6:15)
I know this is not awful, but I want to get on top of this before it gets worse!!
On weekends we have been capping her nap at 1:15-1:30, but daycare is all over the place (45-2:00) and we don't always know...
My instincts are to cap her nap further (45-60 min), I do not want her going to bed later as we don't have much flexibility in AM to let her sleep longer due to work/daycare...
Does this sound reasonable?
Could the BT fight and EW be due to something else?
Her behavior does not seem like the OT wakes we have had at other stages (but toddlers seem to live to throw you off your game haha)