Hi everyone,
My DD has stareted solids at 5months. She LOVED it and used to eat anything I put in front of her (pumpkin, peas, spinaches, zucchini...) and she had about 6tbsp of food for breakfast (cereals, fruit, yogurth) and 6 tbsp for lunch (veggies and cereals). She was totally breastfed apart from the last milk of the day, when she'd get 240ml of formula.
However, we have recently moved to Italy (2 weeks ago, from Melbourne) and she has almost STOPPED EATING solids!
With the move, I've also stopped breastfeeding (apart from the dreamfeed), as my milk supply was decreasing a lot and felt she simply couldn't get enough.
Now, she is 7 MONTHS OLD and her routine is about this:
7-7:30am - wake up and 150ml milk (I prepare 180ml but she's leaving always 30ml)
8:45am - solid breakfast (fruit, cereals and yogurth, 6tbsp total, she'll eat it up and sometimes want more)
10-10:30am 1.5h nap
11:30-12 - bottle 150ml
1pm - solid lunch (SHE'S REFUSING IT, OR HAVING MAYBE 1 TEASPOON!! She hates things she used to love back home!!!)
3pm - 1.5h nap
4:30pm - bottle 150ml (she might leave 30ml)
i dropped her dinner as she just didn't want it...
6:30pm - bottle 180ml (she tends to leave 30ml at times)
7:15pm- BED TIME
10/10:30pm- dreamfeed BF
I don't understand why she is refusing food she used to eat before (like gagging on it), it's driving me insane!! Is it the different weather (we moved from winter into a still quite warm late summer...)
She always looks interested when she sees us eating, so I'm debating whether to try giving her finger foods instead... but I'm scared she might be choking on it... I'm really lost, not sure what to do and I'm scared she might be dropping weigh or (worse) becoming a fussy eater!

Any suggestions or constructive opinions are well accepted... thank you!