Hi! My 14mo son gave up his 2nd nap while on vacation these last two weeks. Now we’re back home and trying to settle into a new routine. He used to nap 2hrs in the AM then 40min in the PM. Now that we’re down to 1 nap, he’s only napping 1hr30! It’s such a long stretch on both ends of the day and he seems to need more sleep. He absolutely refuses a PM nap, and will cry for 20-30min straight if I try to put him down for one (I tried yesterday since he woke early and only napped 1hr30 and no luck. I got him up after 30min).
I thought when they transition to one nap it’s supposed to be 2.5-3hrs long? How can I extend his nap? Is it possible that he’s overtired going into his nap and that’s causing it to be shorter? Advice welcome- it’s a very long stretch to get from 1:30 to 7p. He always used to fall asleep easy & quickly for his first nap and resist the second. I could try putting him down earlier for his 1st nap but what if he still naps only 1hr30 and then he’ll be awake an even longer stretch in the eve!?
Here is our EASY with the new 1 nap day:
7:15- wake & BF
8:30- breakfast
11- snack
Nap- 11:50-1:25
2- lunch
7- bed (usually asleep by 7:30)
Help! Thanks, Kristin