My 7 month old DD used to go down independently for naps and bf to sleep only at bedtime. She still eats a couple of times at night but has recently started waking up a lot more and cannot settle without bf.
She has not taken to solids well and seems to be reacting with digestive problems and acid reflux. As a result I have started bf to sleep for naps as she's been inconsolable. Now she refuses to go down without bf for naps as well, for the last 3 days or so. Since I have been alone with her and her older sister I have just fed her gave so DD1 wouldn't be alone too long. Sometimes she doesn't settle after bf either so I'm worried something is bothering her cause she tries to go to sleep but can't.
So I'm wondering, has it already gone too far to do anything else than pupd? And should i wait until i'm sure nothing is bothering her or just do it anyway?