Taking her into your bed may get earlier and earlier, but it may not, hard to know.
In terms of the clinginess... Part is your mental energy about it. She needs to feel you truely want that closeness as much as she does also looking for the warning signs before she gets upset. Cuddling just 'because' to build up the tank and looking at what works for her, my eldest was (and still is) loved up by companionship, doing things together. My youngest is (less so now as a teen) about cuddles. My friends 1yo likes his mum talking to him... She has to talk to him so much she says she can have him in a stroller watching her clean the whole bathroom if she carries on a monologue, but if she stops talking for 2mins hes whinging and upset...he loves the sound of her voice... She's a university lecturer so I guess during the pregnancy she spoke a lot. So finding that 'need' and working with it.
So If using the sling works...use it more would be my trick.