Hi Mary,
How old is your lo? I'm ashamed to say I didn't go out very much the first 3mos. :oops: Once I got her routine down, I would take her out right after her feed. So that she would have Activity time as my running around time. She could only stay awake 55mins the first 2mos, I think, so I pretty much didn't get much done out of the house.
Once she was 4mos, I could visit friends and if she slept in the carseat, I would count it as nap. When we got home, if she was extra tired I would put her down for her nap a little earlier and most of the time she slept longer to make up for the short nap. She only slept in the carseat 30-40mins at most so she was tired by the next nap time.
When I was over at other people's house (which was not too often), I would ask for the darkest room & quietest and made sure I had her paci & lovey and did the routine exactly as I did at home. It usually took about 10mins longer but she did go down for naps at other people's houses. Although if she had a hard time going down, I have been known to rock her to sleep. :oops:
Hope that helps.