Hi there... thanks so much for your reply.
I thought she needed something to hold too. It's funny, but in her stroller, it works to give her a wrap or something to hold and she will go off to sleep. Even if we arent moving like out for dinner or something. Not in her cot though.
Easier said than done not to introduce any bad habits now.... it's very hard to stay up all night doing PU/PD when you know you have to go to work soon. I have been guilty of bringing her to bed but only for an hour or so and then I put her back.
The more I type, the more I realise I am being my own worst enemy! Hmm...
I do think it's time to lose the swaddling though. I noticed last night that her main problem seems to be resettling without it. (she can get out of it now and does so in her sleep).
I have just put her down with one arm out... I can hear her playing though... fingers crossed.