Ds has been a pretty good night sleeper. He is ff at 7 pm, then bath, then story, then bed. He is in bed asleep by 8 pm. I do a df at 10 pm, which he usually takes all of his bottle.
My question is, he usually wakes up anywhere between 4 and 5:30 am crying. I have been feeding him at that time, and he will usually take most, if not all, of the bottle.
So, I guess my question is, does this sound like habitual waking, or does it sound like hunger?
Ds just started cereal about 2 weeks ago, and doesn't take enough to really matter at this point. He's figuring out the spoon thing! :wink: Otherwise, he gets about 30 ozs of formula a day (including the df).
What do you think?!?