My 7 month old has never slept well, so at this point, I'm pretty exhausted and am running out of ideas. He's completely dependant on his pacifier to get back to sleep. We've tried removing it from his bed and he will cry sometimes up to 2 hours. I've tried rubbing his back every 10 minutes or so in place of the pacifier but it doesn't seem to calm him at all. Even though he eventually falls asleep, he'll be right back up again and hour or so later. If I don't get in there right away, he'll eventually wake himself up completely which means that we'll be listening to him cry again for about 2 hours until he falls asleep.
During the day, he naps pretty well but he's always a bit agitated and loses interest in whatever he's doing very quickly. It seems to be almost impossible to hold his interest with anything. Any thoughts for a desperate mom.