Excuse me but I haven't heard anything like that before. To stop bfeeding and start pumping instead? Any lc knows the importance of nursing for a baby, it is a comfort thing and food, not food only.
Pumping itself won't increase your supply. Baby is the best at increasing your supply, if you fix the latch, of course. Babies can extract usually more than the best pump can. Honestly, find another lc.
Here are some tips for increasing your supply:
-Make sure that latch is correct
-Feed often; as often as your baby will want to, the bigger demand = the bigger supply
-Use breast compression. This is a technique that helps baby get more milk. It is squeezing breast while baby is feeding. When baby is still sucking but not swallowing put your thumb on one side and your other fingers on the other side of the breast. You should be holding a big part of your breast in your hand, bring your thumb and fingers together and compress the breast.
-Use herbs known for increasing milk supply (you should consult your health provider before) such as Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle, they are can be found in health food stores, they usually come in capsules, take both 3 times a day 1 capsule. They can increase your supply within 24 hours but they don't always work.
-Some drugs are known to have a side effect that increases your supply. Such is Domperidone, you should ask your physician if she could prescribe it for you
-Pump your milk additionally not instead of nursing
-Have a lot of rest, eat good food and drink a lot of water or juices.
Good luck!