Hi Tracy! Welcome to the thread
And no you do not sound too desperate. :wink:
Getting on a routine can be hard, especially with a touchy baby! I so know! We were on a pretty good 4 hr schedule but like you went on vacation and that has now reverted back to 3 or 3.5. I think she is happiest at 3.5.
I also have an early riser, but I have decided to go with it. She has an early bedtime and sleeps the 12 hrs so I have decided I can't complain too much.
Our naps were very problematic at 4 months (no naps!) and I would nurse to sleep and she would also sleep at my breast. It became too much for me emotionally and physically was very draining as she often ate every hr or 2 hrs- I definitely had a snacker! So I decided to change all of this- a friend referred me to BW and I haven't looked back since. I used PU/PD to extend her naps and also change the nursing to sleep at bedtime and get on a 3 hr routine. It was a rough two weeks but we got through it and now she is a very good independent sleeper. I do recommend the technique but you have to be committed to it. There is a lot of crying involved at first. If you think you might want to try it feel free to PM me with any questions.
She does get some A time usually before the E simply because her awake time is still somewhat limited. Also I can never do tummy time after eating because she will spit it all up :roll:
Our combo/ideal 3-3.5 hr schedule:
5:30-6:00 E- bf
7:15 S- Nap- 1.5 to 2 hrs
9:30 E- bf 10:30 solids (2 oz cereal w/ 2oz bm and 1 oz fruit)
11:00 S- Nap- 2 hrs
1:00 E- bf
2:30 S- Nap- 1 hr to 2 hrs
4:00 E- bf
5:30- had bath, top off bf and sleep for the night
Schae- thanks for info on nightmares. That is totally what it sounds like- a shriek! Oh, scared me out of my skin- my dh too
She didn't do it tonight so maybe she just had a tough time. When I changed her sheet in the morning (dh had done a bad diaper job :lol: ) I found a dead ant
so maybe that crawled on her or something? Just a theory?
For whoever had constipation with rice cereal? I had this too plus dd got really bad gas, switched to oatmeal and have had none of these problems.
Will respond to others later- she's awake early from nap!!