Author Topic: 5 month Old with a sleeping routine that has changed!!!!!!!!  (Read 1995 times)

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Offline OlizMum

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Hi My name is Keryn, I live in Melbourne Australia, and have a wonderful little boy called Oliver, I am loving being mum, but am tired with bags under eyes at the moment and would dearly like some advise, I have often watched Tracey and today brought " Secrets of TBW and TBW solves all your problems" and have basically read both, and am hoping that i can fix the following..

Oliver is now 23 weeks old, has always been an alert and happy bubby.. hitting all the goals ect, and today rolled  a week ago today   but has never been one to sleep much durring the day, maybe only an hour at a time, (I know know he needs longer and I think i can achieve that in the day with PUPD Yet to start.)but nighttime has been fantastic since about 4-6 weeks old. Had a good routine, starting from about 4pm as Oli liked to cluster feed, so we fed, play, fed, wash ( I can't bathe oli every night due to excema and not wanting to turn him into a complete skin flake), massage, change, feed, small play/cuddle read, last feed prob 5-10 mins... and bed at 6pm, often not waking till midnight then extending out to 3 am....

3 weeks ago, i got a cold and unfortuantly Oliver caught it too, so we had a full day of almost hourly feeds, ( OMG something like 12 wet nappies), Gp said this is proberbly what got rid of the cold quickly, and it didn't progress to his chest which i was pleased with, that week his sleep changed to waking at 930pm and then 2 am, and often 4 am, but i was able to subdue the 4 am feed, by taking him to bed with me and resettling ( i am not good at 4 am even when i am on night shift), this worked, (I know that caused a prop, and it didn't happen every night)and we lost the 4 am wake, and then him waking finally at 6. (he is exclusivly BF and there is plenty there,)

a few days after this, bowel habit changed and he didn't have BM for 4 days that rectified itself and returned to once or twice a day..( my mum came from nz) We still had the same routiene, OLI SLEEP WENT TO S**T, he would still go to bed at 6pm and fall asleep with his music ect, but would wake every 20 min, screaming and yelling tears down face, so we did all the things, I did the check list... wind/colic (tryed beaur colic relief with mild effect) , teeth, noted to be rubbing ear, but no discharge.. Nothing, so once able to be resettled then screaming for breast, so we were feeding 2 hourly, day and night!!! so thought growth spurt.....the day settled more over the week we even attempted solids ( as recomended by peaditrician) with minimal help. On Friday i went to GP to rule out any medical stuff, as i thought that if it was a growth spurt well it should start settling down, so GP said, no ear infection or chest infection, nothing medical that he could think of, so suggested that we increase the solids in the evening to see if that would satisfy him,

That was over a week ago, with not much help, Oliver was a big boy at birth being 9lb6 and gained weight at an enomous rate was 7.1kg at 8 weeks, so i was ok re starting the solids, After reading Traceys books today, it seems since the cold and possible growth spurt, Oli has become dependant on me to get him to sleep, although almost every night if i do the settling routine right and cluster feed, he will go to sleep by himself, i do the cues, close blind lye him in his cot, do up his sleeping bag, talking about sleep and teddy bears, put on his music and give him his dummy( has never asked for it, spits it out when finished and doestn' scream for it, and often will fall asleep with out it) tell him night night give him a kiss on cheek and leave, if anything i have to pop back in in 10 mins kiss check and leave and he sleeps, even tonight we had this then bang 45 mins later awake, no eyees open just screaming... was able to resettle with adapted pupd, as Oli is big i can't physically keep him up and down without him thrashing my head, so did comforting in cot, and 2 pu/pd,

I have even changed his room around slighly so that there is no cold breeze on his cot when door is ajar, and he sleeps in a sleeping bag as he is an avid no blanket boy

I am hoping i have started doign the right thing, Oli has had refux, and we use medication if he has been partucally bad his bed is raised so was just hoping for any ideas

sorry this turned into an eppic, but thought background was needed....

Keryn ( the mum with the big suitcases under eyes and a dh that works night shift!!)

Diego's Mama

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5 month Old with a sleeping routine that has changed!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2005, 11:57:27 am »
Hi Keryn:

Tell me more about Oliver's reflux?  What are his symptoms.  What medication do you give him?  How effective do you think the medication is?

How many naps a day and how much awake time between them?

Thumb or pacifier use?

Tell me about his daily food intake, both liquid and solid.


Offline OlizMum

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5 month Old with a sleeping routine that has changed!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2005, 13:51:33 pm »
Hi.... thanks for reply...

this Sunday nigth just gone, i started pu/pd, to see if there was any improvement and it was just oli setting the boundaries, and did it again for monday... and huge improvement...

Prior to monday..

only thing was set was his nighttime settling...

feed at 6,10, 1, 4  then cluster from 4-6
(commenced solids about 3 weeks ago intermtanly for first week, over last 10 days 1 meal at 10is with  breast then at 4 with breast about 4-5 teaspoons)

Activty.. loves the floor, rolling giggling and banging feet, not keen on swings ect rather have books to chew or his plastic rings... loves stories..

Sleep.. OMG... could never get more than 45 mins,(3 times a day plus a 1.2 hour at 5-6) and often that was rocking to sleep... has never slept well since birth in the day, always wide awake. and looking around...even in the first few weeks... would lye in his cot and stare at the celing...

Reflux... has had reflux since about 3 weeks, no pain known of doesn' cry when he spills, and some days his spill would be puddles on floor, this got worse with Urine infection, but then cleared up so quick when that ws treated, he was prescribed Zantac, 1.2 mls 2 daily if required,

Settling.... appart from cluster feed, change into pjs... story and bed, has a music box, that plays for 5 mins then turns off, and hes asleep, no reasurance ect, and goes to sleepp in cot.

since monday...

went to 4 hourly EASY.... as Oli can achieve it with no difficulies most of the time..

so worked from 6 am ( as i am due to go back to work and leave for work at 630 so thought a 6 am feed would be good as i am still bf)

10 to 8 went to his room did wind down, did pupd for 25 min he slept fo 45 did pupd and shush pat for next 20, then got him up, he almost got to sleep but then startled awake and no shush pat or pupd did it..

eat activity till 1200 started yawning so did the same at above.. settled after 10 mins... and slept for 50 then again for 20 after a 10 min pupd

eat activy till 245, i had a appointment so he slept in pushchair for 1.5 hours, came home he spent 1/2 hour contented in chair on way home.


put him in bed straight to sleep no pupd or shush pat slept till dream sleep at 10 then woke at 120.. 5 min shush pat, 230 heard himcry but put self back to sleep, 315 woke, attemped pupd shush pat for 45 min.. esccalating... gave him a 25 min feed... ( i thought i would deal with that feed when the rest of night was more setteld).. he slept till 7 am..

today simaler routiene
s 830-930
e 10
grumpy and yawning at a
s 11-1245 with 10 min shush pat at about 12
e and a
s 220-4pm 2 min shush pat
e a
s 630.... 930 40 min shush pat then dream feed ....

currently alseep

when i put him down for sleep at all times today hasn't needed pupd or shush pat puts self straight to sleep...

so  am i doing it right????
and how long should i keep the patting going.. tracey said 7-10 mins after sleep but i thinkit disturbs him sometimes..



Diego's Mama

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5 month Old with a sleeping routine that has changed!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2005, 18:54:24 pm »
Sounds like you're on to it now... keep very, very consistent, just as you are.  You can start weaning the amount of time patting.  The patting for a while after asleep is very effective for newborns and wee ones, plus with those who are just starting out. Since he does have the ability to put himself to sleep, keep pulling back (gradually) in the amount of pat/shh and allow him to drift off on his own eventually.

At his age the pat/shh may indeed be too stimulating.  The key to pu/pd is to not hold them too long.  That's a common mistake.  You don't want  baby to get drowsy on you, you want that to happen in the crib or they'll always need you to get drowsy again. Pu long enough to help them calm if they're really upset, but try to do as much calming in the crib as you can. 

Keep me posted.


Offline OlizMum

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5 month Old with a sleeping routine that has changed!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2005, 21:21:52 pm »
Hey Laura...

A question...

Any ideas re hunger at the wakenings.... I know he should be able to go the distance and i understand the habitualness of thewakenings, but last night it again was 1 30ish  at this one he tryed showing off and attempting to roll on his belly, but i am resistant to this due to his age and the fact he stillkeps getting his face stuck in the floor or matteress, which made it 40 mins to resettle and me back in bed for 20 before 2 30ish and again at 330ish which after an hour i couldn't resettle, and i don't think any parent is in a awake frame then, I fed hm and he fed for about 15 mins, and then again at 6 am, I am currently sitting here at the computer and he is staring and giggling at thelights next to me... laughin and happy.....

But it is just that could he be hungry? ( and just be a pigglet) because i don;t know how many more 1 2 3 will fix it beause i am not awake enough.....


Offline OlizMum

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5 month Old with a sleeping routine that has changed!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2005, 23:08:21 pm »
me again....

i had a great day yesterday with naps....

had 1 hour at 830-930

went down at 12 and i woke him just on 2

went down at 445 and slept for 50 mins..

settling at 645 and asleep at 7  ( i was kinda hoping this might jar his early moring wakenings..)

He then woke at 10, 1050 (did a feed) and that took 1/2 hour to resettle.

he woke again at 1 am and this took till 3 am to resettle, he would fall asleep i would wait, and then flik his  arms arcoss his face and re awaken, i did this 4 times before i actually got him up, walked around the house he woke right up, then was able to resettle quite quickly, slept till 430, as you would have guessed with only like 1.5 hours full sleep, i didn't know what to do, so relented, and feed him in bed, he fed for 1/2 hour and then fell asleep till 630, feed and then woke at 815.

I understand that i relented BUT i was unable to do anything else, my dh works nights so i am here by myself and my sainty was straining.

Any suggestions on how not to relent again... I am attempting to go to bed when he does durring the day but even that is hard because i often have to go in and wait for the 40 min mark to do the resettling....

thanks for listening to a very tired mum


Offline OlizMum

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5 month Old with a sleeping routine that has changed!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2005, 12:47:31 pm »
I have gone from moderate to really bad.................oli is now waking every 45 mins day sleeps and now nights.... he will go to sleep himselve but cant re  settle, i even wrapped tonight got 2 hours and now its 45 mins later... most of the time his eyes are closesd but he is screaming... i wait to see if mantra cry but it escaliates i try not to do pupd as this is difficult, as when i put him down he screams more and more i try to re settle in cot... i just dont know any more... there is no Y time in this house, because i am always re settling days i can cop with but nights now that is beyond being funny.....


Offline OlizMum

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5 month Old with a sleeping routine that has changed!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2005, 03:29:37 am »
hey girls.. somethings have improved but some things not.... the wakings are easier to get back to sleep at night but durring the day we get to sleep no problem... then 45min to 70 mins later we have unconsoable crying... which then makes the evenings worse... any idea when the self settling kicks in.. as i am doing the best i can with all traceys suggestions... but it is getting very very drainging... even with some improvements.
