Tru is a good napper--usually a 2 to 2.5 hour nap around 2 p.m. everyday. He can miss his nap here and there and be fine. It might take a little coercing to get him to go up to his room for a nap, but he will go because he knows I won't cave!
But, the time it takes from when we walk into his room and when I leave saying "night night, I love you" is taking too 30 or more minutes! I have a 5 mo., so I just can not spend that much time in there with Tru!
Our routine is to sit on the floor, read 3 or 4 books (would prefer 2!), turn out his lamp and his humidifier on. I put him in his crib (still in his crib and is happy there...for now) and sing a few silly songs and then I attempt to leave.
The stalling begins: "sing one more song", "hold me", "i want to go downstairs" and on and on. Lately he cries 5 to 10 minutes after I leave and then settles down to play and then fall asleep.
I would like the whole process to be 15 or 20 minutes and I'm wondering how to make this happen without turning naptime into something negative for him. As it is, I'm starting to lose my patience when he makes request after request and the crying that happens if I don't give in. Would setting a timer work so that when it goes off I leave and go downstairs? I can see it now...him wanting me to restart the timer, lol!
I would like to move him into a big boy bed in a few months. I can foresee the nap routine getting longer or more difficult when he's in a bed that he can get in and out of if he doesn't want to take his nap or doesn't want me to leave. I am even happy if he happens to not sleep occassionally but plays happily in his crib (and eventually his room).
:lol: Tru & Rowan's Mommy