Author Topic: please need help with my routine  (Read 1436 times)

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please need help with my routine
« on: August 18, 2005, 17:37:54 pm »
I started my DD on 3 hour EASY around 9 weeks and she was doing well.

A couple weeks ago she started sleeping longer at night (12 hours with one feeding inbetween) and her napping got bad.  She would wake up around 40 minutes or less sometimes and we couldn't get her back to sleep so she would fuss and be cranky until the next feed.

I thought for a long time that she was waking up after a sleep cycle and having a hard time transitioning (all of a sudden because she did fine before) and she would be cranky because she was overtired but now I am thinking that she is waking up because she is hungry.  It usually ends up being 2 hours from the last feeding when she wakes up but sometimes she will sleep longer.

What should I do?  She is 11 weeks old.
Abigail born May 26, 2005

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please need help with my routine
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2005, 18:31:18 pm »
You could be heading for the 12 week growth spurt.  It sends sleep all over the place for a couple of days.

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please need help with my routine
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 00:53:08 am »
As babies get older, they sometimes have bumps in the road due to developments too.  Is she able to put herself to sleep?
I would just go with the flow and try to follow EASY as much as possible.  Until the 45 minute naps go away, you might end up having 2 short naps inbetween feeds ( which may space them out 4hrs..I would wake when it got that time).  As long as you are not feeding to sleep, you may have to tweak a little bit.  Eventually things will (should) fall back into place. These little bumps can sometimes last a couple of weeks  :D
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline mommynow

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please need help with my routine
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2005, 15:56:33 pm »
Well yesterday she woke up after 45 minutes and it had been 2 hours so I tried to put her back to sleep and it didn't work.  I fed her.  Then she had activity time and went down for another nap of 45 minutes again.  I tried to put her back to sleep until it had been at least 2.5 hours and fed her again.  Then we were out for the afternoon and she would not sleep.  She fought it like crazy.  She had a couple short catnaps and that is it. 

So feeding her more often didn't seem to make her sleep longer.

How long should I be trying to put her back to sleep.  This has been going on for two weeks now and she will not go back to sleep.  The part that is bad is since I can't get her back to sleep she is cranky/wants to eat and I am trying to do a 2.5-3 hour routine.

I am really having a hard time reading her cues.  If it is hunger or tired.
Abigail born May 26, 2005