Author Topic: Starting EASY with 5 week old--MAJOR ISSUES, need HELP!  (Read 1607 times)

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Starting EASY with 5 week old--MAJOR ISSUES, need HELP!
« on: August 19, 2005, 18:38:19 pm »
Aidan is now 5 weeks old and I've just started to implement EASY. 
E--He is feeding every 3 hours and eats for 15-18minutes on the breast, then falls asleep.  I have to wake him to burp him. 
A--(maybe 5-10 minutes at the most) I then change him and he starts to scream (he hates having his diaper changed).  Then try to keep him awake but he usually yawns the minute I've finished changing him.  I've tried to keep in up in his vibrating chair for 5 minutes for the 2nd yawn.
S--I then swaddled him to put him to bed. Most times he screams when swaddled trying to squirm out.  He often gets his hands free.  At this point he's so wound up I have to use the hairdryer and turn him on his side and jiggle him (Dr. Karp's calming reflex from Happiest Baby on the Block) to calm him enough for him to fall asleep. He won't fall asleep on his own yet.  Often half way through his nap during the day, he awakes with a wet diaper and again screams and is difficult to calm and put back to bed.

My issues--lack of Activity time and his screaming when he's so wound up. I resort to anything to calm him and get him to sleep.

I need help to try and resolve these issues and get him on EASY.  Any advice welcome!
Aidan's Mom
1st Time Mommy
Toronto, Canada

Offline Intransit

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Starting EASY with 5 week old--MAJOR ISSUES, need HELP!
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 20:17:56 pm »
Hi there, did you happen to check out the sample routines at the top of the posts? They are useful...also I left you a message in your inbox....
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Offline kzener

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Starting EASY with 5 week old--MAJOR ISSUES, need HELP!
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 20:36:53 pm »
I'm certainly not an expert on the EASY routine as my lo is only 6 weeks old.  However, I've been experimenting with the swaddle.  My lo used to love the swaddle and around 4 weeks started focusing all of his energy on getting out of it when it was time to wind down and sleep.  I found 2 great suggestions on this website and it has been working wonders for me.  1) the Aussie swaddle (see sleep section "Swaddling Technique (aka "Aussie swaddle") "and 2) the miracle blanket (

I re-attached 2 different Aussie swaddle instructions, however I really had to practice this swaddle to get it just right. (note:  I took Ferbit's pictures and put them into 1 PDF doc to make it easier to read)  I basically followed Ferbit's Aussie BW combination, but made sure to tuck the sheet under his bottom as indicated in steps 3 and 6 of the wrap.pdf.

I hope that helps with the swaddling!!

(ugghh I'm having problems attaching the 2 files. I'll come back and attach them, but in the meantime you can get to the same information I got to via the Swaddling Technique posting.)

Offline kzener

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Starting EASY with 5 week old--MAJOR ISSUES, need HELP!
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2005, 00:31:07 am »
I found out that I can't attach the AusieBWswaddle pdf I created  (with my added coments) because the file is too big.  I'll see if I can send it to you via a PM.  If anyone else wants it, send me a PM and I'll be happy to email it to you.