Author Topic: DF and formula question  (Read 1659 times)

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DF and formula question
« on: August 18, 2005, 14:44:20 pm »
My DS is 5 1/2 months but we've been having sleep issues for a little over a month now, he was eating cereal 2x a day plus about 32oz of formula so my pedi said he dosen't need to eat overnight, well he keeps waking and won't go back to sleep so I decided to try to dreamfeed him and it worked last night, I'm hoping this will help with the sleeping issues but am concerned if he's eating to much for his age. He normally eats a 7oz bottle during the day but last night we only gave him 4oz at the DF, do you think I should give him the normal 7 or see if the 4oz works?

We just started veggies in the evening so now he has cereal in the mid morning and then a veggie in the evening plus still about 32oz of formula a day. Do you think this to much, to little or just enough? He was 5lbs at birth but weights about 15lbs or so now...TIA

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DF and formula question
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 00:43:40 am »
As long as you're not forcing the bottle on them, my opinion is that you can't overfeed a baby  :D

If you are just starting a dreamfeed now and 4oz is getting him through the night, then I would stick with 4 oz....simply because you want the majority of his calories during the day and you'll eventually want to cut the dreamfeed out.

just wondering, when he was waking at night without the dreamfeed was he taking a full feed?

**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom