Author Topic: Help-baby not taking bottle and breast milk evaporating...  (Read 7195 times)

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Help-baby not taking bottle and breast milk evaporating...
« on: August 18, 2005, 11:30:40 am »
Dear All,
My 3 ˝ month old, breast fed baby is refusing to take a bottle.  This has turned into a crises because, very suddenly, my milk production has virtually evaporated.  The baby refuses the bottle despite leaving the breast hungry after almost every meal.

I’ve read about how to slowly introduce the bottle – one feeding at a time – but I don’t have the luxury of time.  I’m so scared my baby is going to go hungry and get sick.  I have a doctor’s appt. scheduled on Monday, but any advise on how to help my child along would be very, very appreciated.

FYI, in terms of milk production, I’m trying to improve that situation as well.  At the suggestion of my lactation consultant, I’ve been pumping like mad to increase production, all to no avail. 

Thanks for your help.

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Help-baby not taking bottle and breast milk evaporating...
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2005, 11:49:32 am »
Hi Sarah

Sorry you're having a tough time at the moment {{{huggsss}}} to you.

Firstly I would say Don't Panic! If you're feeling stressed out at feeding time thinking that the baby isn't going to eat then s/he'll pick up on your nervousness about it. Your LO will eventually get used to the bottle and will eat when s/he's hungry enough.

On a practical level, what bottle are you using? I'd suggest trying a couple of different types until you find one your baby is happy with (my DD for example hated the Avent bottles but was happy as larry with a mothercare 'mother nature' one. Also what flow teats do you have on there? You could try a faster flow one so its more free-flowing and see if that helps.

I'm sure the other ladies will have some more ideas for you. Let us know how you get on.



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Help-baby not taking bottle and breast milk evaporating...
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 09:22:45 am »
Thank you for your note!  I'm trying not to be stressed about all this, but each feeding feels so traumatic.  I'm not sure if I'll have enough milk, and feel horrible when I feel I don’t.  I've hired a woman to give the baby the bottle and that's nerve wracking because I never know what the baby's rx. wil be...

In terms of bottles, I’m using Avent, Dr. brown’s and Bibi (a swiss made brand).  I’m using no. 2 nipples.  She doesn’t like Avent, and goes back and forth between the other two…Thoughts?

Another question…As mentioned I hired a woman to come in and give the baby her bottle, since everything I’ve read says I shouldn’t give it to her.  How long until I should start giving her the bottle??  I think I’m just going to have to give up on BF.  My milk just isn’t coming back…Thoughts.

Thank you again for your note!

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Help-baby not taking bottle and breast milk evaporating...
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2005, 03:49:47 am »
Hi Sarah,
Do you mean that your lo breastfeeds fine but just is having trouble weaning to bottle, or that he refuses both BF and bottle?  My ds went the first few months refusing to drink anything, even though he seemed hungry.  After tons of doc visits, we finally found out he had reflux, and things slowly improved. 

I just want to say to hang in there.  Have you tried taking fenugreek to keep your milk supply up?  Just a thought...  And while your lo is refusing breast/bottle, keep a close eye on signs of dehydration (like sunken soft spot, dry mouth, dry eyes, etc).  Babies can definitely refuse to eat until they get sick (in our case, hospitalized), but as long as you and doc are monitoring intake and weight gain, things should be fine. 

Good luck on Monday.  You are doing everything right...