Author Topic: From 3 to 4 hour easy?  (Read 1539 times)

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Offline kellyhushhh

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From 3 to 4 hour easy?
« on: August 20, 2005, 15:30:40 pm »
Hi my ds is 11 weeks old today, he weighs just under 141bs and i was just wondering when to start slowly moving him towards 4 hour easy and how to do it.  My Nan is coming to look after him on the 17th Sepemeber by which time he will be virtually 16 weeks old so it would be good if he was on 4 hour by then. He is generally hungry every three hours on the dot but this morning he woke at 7.30 and had 8-9 ounces he normally only has 6-7 ounces, so he wasnt hungry at 10.30am and fed at 11.30am instead which of course has messed his day up  as he is one feed down. His normal feeding times are approx 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm and DF at 10.30pm. What shall i do to start approaching 4 hour easy or am i too early to start?? Any suggestions would be really helpful xx  PASSWORD JUDE


Offline Intransit

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From 3 to 4 hour easy?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 15:32:23 pm »
HI there, I am also going through the same sort of thing right now. My son was born May he is just 3 mos old, and I actually just started using E.A.S.Y last Wed..and so far so good..I have a much happier baby now!!! But since he is getting older etc..I am thinking to introduce the 4 hour E.A.S.Y and have started implementing it today. I last fed him @ 9:30, and he is back to bed now @ 11:30(2 hours later) and has not made a noise since I laid him down. I think..this is my take on it anyways..that when transitioning from 3-4 hour...the baby may be a little bit cranky initially before the nap since we are extending A time by 30 minutes, but like anything else..he/she will adapt after a few days.Also, I am using 7 ounces instead of 6, and will work to 8....but it seems its hard to get 7 down at times and other times easy. :) Dont know if this helps, but I thought I would share my discoveries.
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Offline Freyas Mum

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From 3 to 4 hour easy?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 16:18:55 pm »
Hi to both of you.  My daughter is 5 and a half months old and I moved her from 3 hour easy to 4 hour easy when she was 4 months.  She is a little baby so I waited a bit longer.  I moved her gradually over 1 week, extending her E and A time by 15 mins each day.  I found that keeping her occupied made it easier to extend the times, perhaps a longer walk.

Anyway she is fine now and feeds at 7, 11, 3 and has her solids for dinner at 6pm then a DF at 10pm.

Hope this helps

Cheers Fiona

Offline kellyhushhh

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three to four hour easy
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2005, 12:18:45 pm »
Hi sjeb

Just wondering how you are getting on with the four hour easy??

I am starting today, i put him down at 9am after being up since 7.30am and he slept until 10.30am, yey!! He then only had 4 ounces instead of the usual 7, this makes me think he definately needs to be on 4 hour easy??

I then put him down at 12 after being up since 10.30am but he woke after 50mins so i pat shhh until 13.10 but he woke again after 5 mins!! Hes just babbling to him self and moaning at the moment but he is due for a feed in 12 mins so i will just go see what hes up to.

Kelly xxx

update!! he just had 9 ounces and probably would have had more!!! is this normal for an 11 week old? 12 weeks tommrow!!  PASSWORD JUDE
