My 11 week old daughter has just shown signs of making it through the night from 11 pm - 6/7 am, but only about 25-50% of the time. The rest of the time has been one 3/4 am wake up, and she is hungry at that time.
She is 11 pounds and we are feeding her about 30 oz per day spread between 7 feedings which includes the middle of the night one. They vary from 4 oz to 4.5 oz to hit the 30 oz number, but clearly she *could* eat more, although the 30 oz already appears to be on the high end of formula per day amount for her body weight. She *never* fails to eat what we give her on the 3 hour feed schedule.
Here is my question: On the nights she skips the 3/4 am feeding in order to hit 30 oz for the day we have to feed her 5 oz per feed since she only eats 6 times. What happens on days when she wakes up in the middle of the night to eat 4 oz? Should we continue to feed her 5 oz each feeding in the day and have her go way over the recommended high end range for weight or should we back off to 4 - 4.5 oz feedings? I almost wonder if should just feed her 5 oz per feed no matter if she wakes up or not in the night, but I don't want to overfeed her and make her sick. It seems the constant variation in feeds between 4 - 4.5 - 5 may be causing her hunger pattern to vary more than it should.
Thoughts? Should adjust feedings to hit a recommended total (I always go for the high end, 2.7 oz per pound of body weight) or should I be consistent and feed her an amount that would produce the right volume for her going through the night but then have her go way over if and when she wakes for a feed at night?
Yes... I am going insane with the details.