Author Topic: 13 month old waking for 1.5-2hrs every night since vacation  (Read 1425 times)

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13 month old waking for 1.5-2hrs every night since vacation
« on: August 26, 2005, 15:22:22 pm »
Help.  3 weeks ago we went on vacation for 2 weeks and since then it has been a nightmare.  Brooke wakes every night at 2-2:30 and it takes anywhere from an hour to 2 hours to get her back to sleep.  She freaks out if her dad goes in for her and screams MAH-MAH.  I have to stay there until she is fast alseep to go back to bed.  And even then I just about fall asleep and she is screaming again.  Last night she woke at 2:25 and didn't fall asleep until 4:10 (when I laid down with her in a day bed in her room) I am 10 weeks preg and exhausted. 
The only thing that changed was vacation.  Her routine is the same.  I was thinking of transitioning her to 1 nap from 2 but not sure she is ready.  She took 3 naps until she was 8 months old. Thoughts? Before vacation she slept from 7-6:40 EVERY night.  Now I am at wits end.
Brooke Brigitta's Mom
25 July 2004

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13 month old waking for 1.5-2hrs every night since vacation
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2005, 08:05:36 am »
We also had sleep problems with dd after going away for nearly 3wks (when she was 14/15mo).  A little while later we also moved house, which I think made the night wakings continue longer.  All I can suggest is to keep consistent with what you're doing, and it will come right again! I know at the time it doesn't seem like you're making any progress, but just keep at it!

Offline bbpmom

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13 month old waking for 1.5-2hrs every night since vacation
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2005, 00:19:47 am »
Over the weekend she slept through 1 night and 1 night woke for only a few minutes.  Lets see how tonight is....

The other thing is she is getting so tough to put down at night.  Her daytime naps are a sinch.  I read 2-3 books to her, cuddle until she is starting to doze off and then put her in her crib.  She is still awake in her crib when I put her in...The problem is night.  I do the same exact thing  but now she is popping up and SCREAMING hysterically for me to pick her up.  I pick her up and she immediately calms down.  I then put her down and we do this for about 20 minutes until she is so exhausted she falls asleep (in her crib). 

I have no idea what i am doing wrong....URGH.  Any thoughts?
Brooke Brigitta's Mom
25 July 2004

Offline deenz

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13 month old waking for 1.5-2hrs every night since vacation
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2005, 08:13:06 am »
We also had problems putting dd to bed for a while.  For your situation I would suggest that you try to not pick her up, instead try and settle her in her bed.  It may be a bit of separation anxiety, which will pass.

We spent a lot of time in dd's room waiting for her to go to sleep (trying to leave before she went to sleep which sometimes worked, sometimes didn't!) but eventually got to the point where we could put her down and leave, and she would cry for a very short time, but not like she needed us, more like just a tired cry.  Now she is pretty much consistently back to going to bed without any protesting.