Author Topic: Cant do it anymore  (Read 1842 times)

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Offline MorganLeigh

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Cant do it anymore
« on: August 29, 2005, 14:53:14 pm »
/CRY! I cant take it anymore. These 30 min naps are so frustrating. I honestly feel that if I dont fix this soon Im gonna lose it, I hate being mad at my baby but when she wakes up I feel as if Im gonna be mad at her. That first nap of the day says it all, i try so hard to make it last, but again this morning she popped up at 30 mins so tird but refused to go back to sleep, Im so tempted to let her cry in her room all day long. Confession, she has never fallen asleeo for her naps by herself. Night time she does daytime she has to be rocked. I know this is why but i feel at 10 months i cant fix it. I honestly cant do this anymore, 30 min naps ruins the whole day to where she is so cranky I cant even leave to go to the bathroom. I have here going down roughly every three hours, give or take. I keep experimenting with her bed time but it doesnt seem to help. I know there is no miracle answer but I need something, I feel like Im gonna just screaming at her and she so precious and feel like a horrible person for having these feelings.

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Cant do it anymore
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2005, 15:09:20 pm »
Morgan Leigh don't be so hard on yourself...  You wouldn't be human if you didn't loose your patience from time to time. 
We went through a bout of those 30min naps and they were horrible so I know how your feeling.. this is what we did and it worked wonders for us!
Although; Isabella was almost 3 months old but.. you may still be able to take something away from what I'm going to tell you.
For the first almost 3 months I did the wrong this also and rocked dd to sleep for her naps. (but; at night time she went to bed on her own, awake, and slept very well)  But;  we hadn't tackled the daytime yet. 
When we started we found a naptime routine that worked for us and did it every day.  Once we put her in her crib she stayed in there until her nap should have been done.  We did the same thing we did at night.  Every time she cried we hung back a minute (to see if she could calm herself) and then went in and calmed her.  I didn't pick her up (unless she was so distraught that I had no choice) and I never took her out of her room.  Even if she FINALLY feel asleep and she was due to wake in 20min, I would wake her up.  I did take awhile I won't lie but... it did work wonders.  She's a very good napper and I put her down awake and she puts herself to sleep. 
I think if you find something that you know you can do every day and stick with it, it'll work.   You just have to see the end result and know what your working towards..
Good luck and I hope that all made sense to you... If not, let me know and I"ll try to explain in a better way.
I know how frustrating it is.... I hope it all works out for you

Offline MorganLeigh

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Cant do it anymore
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2005, 15:28:08 pm »
I can definately try that, just that she stands there waving her blankie around like white surrender flag!

Offline albertasweetpea

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Cant do it anymore
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2005, 16:19:30 pm »
Hi there...first...big HUGS for you!! You are taking a first step in the right direction in wanting to correct your LO's sleeping habits!!  That gets you a gold star right off!
Have you tried PU/PD with her yet?? She is 10 months right?? Try reading all the posts on PU/PD and the section in the book if you have it so you understand it totally. I was skeptical at first that it would work with my DD, I thought it would totally overstimulate her, but it does in fact work! I know some people have posted that it sometimes can take up to 150 times of picking her up, putting her down but with Molly each session has only taken less than 20 PU/PD's. When you are in it, it seems like it will go on forever and you feel like you can't take it...BUT YOU CAN!! Just think of the end goal and how wonderful you will feel when it finally clicks with your DD and she turns her head and goes to sleep! It is such a great feeling  you will be dancing out of the room!  :lol:
When we started nap training and the BW way with Molly at 7 weeks there were many days when I just sat and cried at her crib trying to get her to sleep. Truth be told I may have thrown in the towel had DF not reminded me that we are teaching her a tool she will use for the rest of her life. I am soooooo glad I stuck with it. Even now I am amazed when I put her down, kiss her little forhead and whisper "nighty night" that she just closes her eyes and goes to sleep. Sometimes for 45 minutes still, sometimes for 2.5 hours!! Keep at it, keep reading the posts and asking for'll get through it. PM me if you need support or have questions...I'm happy to help!  :lol:
~Michelle (Spruce Grove, AB, Canada)


Offline Matthew's Mommy

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Cant do it anymore
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2005, 21:01:45 pm »
Hi there.. hang in there.. you are in the thick of it right now. 

I just want to add.. start with her nap and bed time sleep first.  Decrease the rocking time so it's just part of your wind down routine, and then lie her down into bed.

So, if you usualy rock her to sleep and it takes 15 mins. then decrease the time to 10 min. and lie her down drowsy but awake. Once you committ to the crib, don't go back to the chair. If she pops up, lie her back down. If she continues to pop up.. walk away.. she's got a game going.  When she gets upset.. then go into pu.pd mode. and lie her back down.  She will get very upset and protest greatly.. but stick it out. 

Keep the time to 10 min. for 2 days, and then decrease it again to 5 mins. for 2 days.. and then a short little rock as a wind down. The key is.. once you put her in the crib, do not return to the rocking chair.

It will take about 2 weeks.. to completely stop the rocking.. don't worry.. and keep calm. Come up with your coping strategies and remember we are here to support you whenever you need us!
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Offline MorganLeigh

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Cant do it anymore
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2005, 02:46:45 am »
well the cold seems to be rearing its ugly head, she wakes up freaking out bc she cant breathe out of her nose, so I guess for this week I can go in and let her know its ok. She settles right back after that. P/D during the day is what scares me, her room has bright pink walls that makes everything stand out! I have got to work on getting it darker in there. So let me ask this, she sleeps in her tummy, so should I lay her down on her tummy when put her back down or on her back? Also do I pick her up when she pops up or wait till she cries, she usually wont cry till I leave. I know there is PU/PD section but Id appreciate some extra advice. Thanks ladies, I know I can do it, she is a great angel baby she just needs some help.

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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Cant do it anymore
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2005, 18:22:31 pm »
Wait for the cold to improve or go away before you start pu.pd. If she looks better, and you think she's ready then start.

For an older baby, make sure it's a hysterical cry, not a protest cry, that you pick up at. When you lie her back down, put her on her tummy, since that's her sleeping position. (older baby) If she stands up, lie her back down, but put a little bit of pressure on her if she tries to pop up again.. kinda like you're blocking her from standing up.  She will get upset.. but it will be an angry cry.

Be patient and stick it out. It'll take a bit, but she'll get through it.
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Offline juliecheeto

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Cant do it anymore
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2005, 23:34:47 pm »
So glad to see I'm not the only one.
Instead of geting mad at baby, I always feel mad at DH.
I am going to do PU/PD on Friday.