We took the cold turkey approach when we transitioned Tyler (he was about Katy's age). It wasn't necessarily by choice...2 days in a row, he opted to skip his AM nap, so on the 3rd day, I just didn't bother trying. We went straight to his new naptime of 1. The first week or so was ugly (he literally fell asleep at lunch with broccoli in his mouth one day :lol: ), but his body adjusted. In retrospect, I'm glad we just went for it. I know Tracy advocates the gradual approach, but Tyler generally doesn't get too crabby when he's overtired, so it worked out better for us that way. If there will be 4 days a week that she can't nap until 12, and you think she's ready to transition to 1 nap, you might consider just going for it. I think that going back and forth might prolong the process and be confusing. Good luck!