Author Topic: Does this mean she can fall asleep independently?  (Read 2172 times)

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Offline Lucysmom

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Does this mean she can fall asleep independently?
« on: September 01, 2005, 13:53:39 pm »
Hi Everyone -

Something strange is happening right now....My dd (13 weeks) woke up early from her nap.  I had tried to extend it by patting but no luck.  In frustration, I stepped away from the crib.  She then got quiet and still.  She then started moving and fussing a bit but not crying.  I was still feeling frustrated and annoyed and could not face the prospect of getting her up so I just left as she was not doing the "I need you cry."  Well, off and on for the past 45 minutes I have heard her awake making little noises and then it goes quiet for a while.  I just snuck upstairs and she is sleeping.  Unbelievable.  I guess this means she is able to fall asleep independently?  Maybe instead of being there trying to get her back to sleep when she wakes I should just wait and see if there is an "I need you" cry.  If I do get the "I need you" cry I have not been able to resettle her.  I guess this is a little victory after hitting bottom yesterday.  :?

Offline Mum to Ella Rose

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Does this mean she can fall asleep independently?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2005, 16:23:34 pm »
Sounds like you are right on track. Great job!  :D My dd has always chatted, snuffled, snorted, etc. all through the night. But when she needs me she definitely lets me know!  :lol:

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
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Offline Colesmom

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that's great!
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2005, 17:30:57 pm »
My lo has done that for three nights at 4am.  I try to let him settle and he always ends up on his tummy and then cries out.  By that time it's near 5, i feed him and put him back down.  I'm hoping he'll just stop waking once our routine is in place, or he'll settle himself better.  I might have to try Wake to Sleep if that's not the case.

Yay for small triumphs!

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Offline Tammy: Ethan & Kaden's Mom

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Does this mean she can fall asleep independently?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2005, 18:00:20 pm »
I had to stop myself going into my ds's room.  He makes a lot of fuss, babbles, moans, groans, grunts, you name it!  I had to force myself to not go in unless he was actually all-out crying.  Cause he does his little moan-y cry sometimes when falling asleep.  And it worked!  My ds would fall back asleep *most* of the time!   :wink:  And sometimes (it's been probably a month or more) he would wake up in the middle of the night, and cry, but before you could even get up out of bed, he had quit and fallen right back asleep.

So, my advice is to let her resettle herself however she needs to!  As long as she's not all-out crying, I wouldn't go in.  She'll let you know for sure (I'm sure you know!  :?  :lol: ) when she needs you!

And bravo for taking that moment to walk away and breathe.  I had to do that many a time to keep myself from going insane when ds would only nap for 45 minutes.  It was so frustrating to me!   :oops:

Keep at it, you're doing a great job!   :D

Offline Mum to Ella Rose

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Does this mean she can fall asleep independently?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2005, 19:36:27 pm »
Traci I don't know if this is what is happening for you but when dd learned how to roll on her tummy but not back, we went through a week or two of her crying out in the night for us to come roll her back over. Could be a developmental thing you're going through right now... in which case it will resolve if you help him, stay consistent and just ride it out!  :D  I hope that may be some help...

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
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Offline Lucysmom

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Does this mean she can fall asleep independently?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2005, 20:47:58 pm »
Progress report -  :D

Nap #2 she could not resettle at the 1hr5-10 minute point which is I guess when she would be going back into deep sleep.

Nap #3 I patted her bum until she was back into deep sleep.  Holding my hands firmly on her does not work and actually seems to wake her up.

I don't have any idea how patting her or holding my hands firmly on her is going to teach her how to make it through sleep cycles on her own, but I am just glad that she is relatively well rested (last night she went to bed at 10:30 instead of 7:30  :shock:  Long story...).

Thanks for your support ladies.  Now I am going to have to always debate whether I should see if she can resettle or just intervene before she wakes up fully. 

Thanks again!

Offline Colesmom

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thanks Sharon
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2005, 16:52:48 pm »
This rollover in crib thing just started when I started sleep training!  I will ride it out.  Last night he was up 2-2:30 then I finally turned him on his side (normally back sleeper but seems to settle on his side better now) and shush patted him to sleep in a couple of minutes.

He did his first continuous (well, semi-continuous) roll over during A time today...maybe he'll figure in out at night as well.  Should I get rid of the wedge at this point??

Do you intervere when they are playing in the middle of the night?  Sometimes I think he could play for an hour???
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Offline Tammy: Ethan & Kaden's Mom

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Does this mean she can fall asleep independently?
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2005, 19:10:55 pm »
Colesmom - our ds was the same way in the crib.  We had about a week where he would cry out when he would flip himself over onto his tummy.  He hated it!  Now that's the only way he will sleep!  They will figure it out - I let ds flip himself over during the day as much as he wanted!  Lots of tummy time!  And they do eventually "get it". 

We used a wedge with him, and what I did to try and "wean" him off of it was to take off one of the "sides".  Our ds tends to roll over to his right for whatever reason, so I took off the left side.  Then after a little while, I took off the right side.  Then I would put him down on the wedge, but he'd pretty much roll off of it after a little while.  Then I took it out completely.  I could've probably just taken it out, but he would be all sleepy when I would go to put him in his crib, and then if I laid him flat on his back with no wedge, he would immediately roll over and be wide awake!  But, eventually he figured that out too.  Now I put him down, and he still rolls over, but settles in just a couple of minutes. 

I DO NOT interfere in the middle of the night unless he is all-out crying for me.  My ds has this moan thing he does sometimes that can sound like crying - to the untrained ear  :D  - but it's just him settling himself.  And he only had a couple of weeks where he would do that in the middle of the night.  Then he went back to sleeping through, and I didn't hear anything.

Isn't this fun!?!   :?  :wink:  :D

Offline Colesmom

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YAY for DS, he made it through the night...mostly
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2005, 13:05:33 pm »
Hi there!

Put Cole down for 7:00...didn't settle til 7:30 (Awake too long-bad mama)

Anyway, he jolted a couple of times and settled back himself.  He woke up at 10:30 before I had a chance to get to him for the DF but settled back fine afterwards.  Slept 11:00-4:50!  Well, he had one waking at around 1am.  To be honest, it's all a bit foggy.  I was in his room shhh/patting and thinking "who's baby is this and where am i?"  LOL  I barely remember even walking to his room i was so zonked.

Fed him at 4:50, set him in his crib at 5:20 drowsy and walked out.  First time I've walked out when he hasn't been asleep.  He was babbling when i went back to bed.  I woke up at 6:20 to his crying...I had slept the whole time he played!!  i peeked in and he was on his tummy.  I gave him time and he rolled himself!!  but then started crying 'cause he was in his wedge and it was up by his shoulders.  I figured i didn't want to get up at 7 knowing he'd been up since i went in, turned him on his side without a word.  He stared at the wall about 10 min. and went to sleep 6:30- 7:15 :D

I'm pretty happy today.  Funny how 11-5 now seems like luxury.

I still have to emphasize to DH how important the times are.  AFter his morning feed DH took him so I could sleep another half hour.  I said only quiet activity after 8:15, he goes down at 8:45. thank god i woke at 8:20 because when i came down DS was in his exersaucer  :x

did a short windown cause ds was fighting me but now that i think of it should have given him a longer one to calm him longer.

he only needed a few shhh/pats though to send him off and he settled himself at the 10 min.jolt after a good 30 second cry.

Okay, i've said enough....babble babble babble.

have a good one.

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Offline Colesmom

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drats...i spoke too soon
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2005, 14:03:04 pm »
I just spent 45 minutes trying to get him to go back down from a 30 min.nap. :shock:   tried letting him cry a bit...pupd, shhh/pat.  he was almost settled then his sliding closet doors made this popping noise (not sure what causes it-it's like the house shifts or something) and he woke again.

Now, since 30 minutes isn't i keep play low key the whole A time and then put him down 2 hours after his wake time...OR two hours after we left the room.  hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....not sure.  I'll look for signs in about a half hour to see if he's tired.

oh well, not every part of the day can go peachy can it!

better go, he's a rolling and a creeping all over the place :P

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