Author Topic: What should I have done???  (Read 1165 times)

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Offline Melsy

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What should I have done???
« on: September 11, 2005, 06:02:52 am »
Ds is one now (yesterday!!!) and we have had some PM nap refusuals some days when we have been out and about etc.  I thought that meant he was ready for one nap and did that for a few days but was frustrated when he would only sleep 1 - 1.5 hours and then be so hysterical after waking.  :roll:   So back to 2 naps we went, and for a few days he was right back on track - 2 x 1 - 1.5 hour naps.  8)

The last two days, Aidan has been teething really badly (eye teeth, I can feel the point  :x ) and has wanted to go down for AM nap a little earlier than usual.  No probs I thought, so I gave him some nurofen both days and put him down at 10 or 10.15am.  (normally 10.30am)  Both days he slept for 2.5 hours!!!!!  So awake again at about 12.45pm. 

So that means the PM nap can't be until too late, like 4.30pm or something at the earliest, so I have just been putting him down for the night a little early.  Like 6.45pm instead of 7.30pm.  But he is still waking between 6 and 6.30am in the morning.  So he hasn't added too much to his night sleep.  :?

I guess my questions are:  when the eye teeth are thru, should I try and continue on the 1 nap path???  Also, do you think I should have woken him after 1.5 or 2 hours to try and continue an afternoon nap???  Aahhhh...  I just don't know what I should have done!!! 

Does anyone out there do one nap have l.o's that don't wake up at the lovely 7am time that Tracey talks about in her books???  I would love for Aidan to sleep till 7am but I can't force him, right???  Also, is it normal for eye teeth to come thru at 12 months???  I wasn't expecting them yet, I thought molars would be next!  (he has 8 teeth, four top front, four bottom front)

Thanks heaps,

DS#1 - Aidan born Sept 2004
DS#2 - Callum born Feb 2008
DD#1 - Eloise born Sept 2009



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What should I have done???
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2005, 07:43:40 am »
I found the whole 2 to 1 nap transition really long and just like you describe.  Tracy does have a plan in the new book which may be worth checking out, but because I didn't know about it when we needed it took 6mths for Nathan to fully transition because he had an early morning wake up (like 5am), so we were stuck with 2 naps for a long time, but he'd also try dropping the late nap so we tooed and froed.  It was tricky and I really just had to go with the flow.  I did often take him for a drive in the car in the late afternoon if I wanted him to have a short catnap just to tide him through till his 7pm bedtime.

Sorry not any advice there, but just letting you know it can be a long transition.