Author Topic: stuck in a 4am rut, wake to sleep ?  (Read 1272 times)

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stuck in a 4am rut, wake to sleep ?
« on: September 28, 2005, 21:51:54 pm »
Advice please on if wake to sleep would help in our situation.  My 6 month old goes happily to bed with a last feeding at 7:30pm, never waking..until his inner clock goes off every morning between 3 and 4 am. I can go in, try putting back his pacifier, patting, pu/pd, but he is up screaming.  Last night we were up from 3:30 till 6am with him screaming, and me given up and letting him cry it out which didn't work anyways. I am so frustrated as he was a great sleeper for awhile, 7:30pm till 6:30am.  He has 2 bottom teeth, so teething is always in my mind.  Has anyone tried wake to sleep, does it work?  How many nights of getting up to wake did it take you.  I don't think Hubby and I can go much longer; all we do is snap at each other out of tiredness.  Thanks for any help, Christina

Offline georgia's mama

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stuck in a 4am rut, wake to sleep ?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2005, 00:22:59 am »
hi there, sorry to hear things are so rough right now :( .  what are his days like?  if he is teething maybe try some motrin or acetaminophin or other teething remedies, ie. cold cloth, chewing ring, etc...i know that when my daughter is teething  it is just a stage we have to go through and do what we can to make her comfortable and yeah...unfortunately it can last a while.  with all that said though, i know with our lo if she wakes consistently at the same time every night for several nights no matter what we've tried it's obviously a habit so we go back to PU/PD.  this technique often will work for people in 1, 2, 3 days and others i've heard of having to stick it out for longer.  i know it's exhausting but choose a time when you can persevere (weekends if you're working, etc...) and make sure to have a break during the day to catch up on lost sleep through the night to make it a little more manageable.  i have not tried the wake to sleep myself.

good luck, hope some of this helps.
loving my baby girl

Offline sara_derek

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stuck in a 4am rut, wake to sleep ?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2005, 14:26:51 pm »
Hi there,

Sorry to hear your troubles - sleep deprivation definitely plays games with our minds, doesn't it!  I would definitely try wake to sleep.  i have not had to use it myself, but I know it does work.  And your situation seems to be  a perfect candidate for it.  I would give it a go and see what happens!

Let us know how it goes :)
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