Author Topic: offering a bottle ebm,going back to work ?'s  (Read 1031 times)

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Offline jimmyandseansmom

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offering a bottle ebm,going back to work ?'s
« on: September 20, 2005, 03:04:30 am »
Well,I am in the boat of having trouble getting my 10 week old to take a bottle.I think I have purchased every bottle and nipple there is.With ds #1 I didn't have a prob.Now this time it is a litlle harder.I introduced it at 5 weeks and he did great,waited a week and then it got harder.So,he isn't totally refusing it,just taking 1 oz.maybe 2,playtex seems to be the best so far.I will be working two days a week so it wont be that bad.I was trying to do a bottle once a day but I was getting stressed out,so now I am doing every other,do you think that is often enough?He will take it from me.My mom came last week and he finally gave in.they say"he will eatif he gets hungry enough",I hate that cause then he gets tired and everthing ia thrown,every day or every other?I guess If I was going back full time or even more part time  I would have to do it more,I do want to be able to get out once in awhile or have dat night with dh too.

any thoughts?


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offering a bottle ebm,going back to work ?'s
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 21:22:18 pm »
Hmm, I am not really an expert on offering bottles  :lol: , but I would think that if you keep offering every other day, you lo will not forget how to take it. The problems usually start when bottle is introduced early and after that there is a long period of nursing only, thus a baby refuses bottle as he is used to boobs only. But with every other day, I doubt he will forget.