Author Topic: Can DF also act as wake-to-sleep?  (Read 1522 times)

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Offline twoblacklabs

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Can DF also act as wake-to-sleep?
« on: September 19, 2005, 15:58:21 pm »
For the last several days, DS has woken up 3 hours after he eats at bedtime, obviously not hungry because 1)he typically takes about 7 ounces before bed (he's breastfed during the day but gets bottles of combination BM/formula at night) and we can usually get him back to sleep fairly easily.  We recently started the p/s method and it works for the most part.  I've never tried the dream feed because I'm so afraid of waking him up too much or that he won't take any food.

I was thinking about giving it a go tonight, though.  How much should I expect him to eat if he ate 7 ounces 3 hours before?  And if I DF him at around 10:30, do you think this might elimnate his horrible habitual waking between 12:15 and 12:45??  I KNOW he can make it 6 hours at night because he has done it before.  How do you get him to eat without actually waking him?  I'm so afraid he won't do it!  And how is this different from allowing to fall asleep while eating?  It won't become a "prop"?

He's going to be 12 weeks old tomorrow, and my mission in life is getting rid of these habitual night wakings!

Offline mango_baby

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Can DF also act as wake-to-sleep?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2005, 16:54:47 pm »
I have some imput for you.
DF's and Wake to sleep are two different things entirely
I began a dream feed four your same reason and it did eliminate that 12 o' clock feed. I know it seems as though they wil wake up, but mine didn't at all. In fact I change him at the same time to make sure he is dry for the rest of the night, put him back in his crib and that is that.
Now with breast feeding you have to take them out, a bottle you just pop into their mouth while they sleep. It seems as though, even though they are sleeping, their sucking reflex just kicks in and they nurse. That was my experience anyway.
for me the DF was magical, itallowed him to sleep longer that he could before i started it.
You sound unsure, but why don't you just try it onetime. you don't know what will happen until you try and if he does wke up and it all doesn't work and what tour worried about actually happens, well it's one night and the next night will be back to usual. If it does work then, well, your life ans sleep will be better for it. i think it is worth the chance

let me know how it goes.


Offline twoblacklabs

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Can DF also act as wake-to-sleep?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2005, 17:08:02 pm »
So if you are using a bottle you leave them right in the bassinet (he's still in our room)???  You don't take him out at all?  That might work... and if he doesn't take it, he doesn't take it and he wakes up whenever he's hungry and we just ditch it the next night... I guess that is doable.  I'm sooo tired I'm willing to try anything at this point!  At the same time, though, I don't want to mess him up too much.  To be honest, it really is starting to feel like it can't possibly get any worse anyway.

Thanks... I think I'll give it a shot.

Offline mango_baby

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Can DF also act as wake-to-sleep?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2005, 17:28:18 pm »
I was at the same point- Things could get no worse, so what did I have to loose. Yes, you just leave him in his basinette.
I used PU/PD for the rest. But just try the DF for now.
Let me know how it works out.


Offline GraysonsMommy

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Can DF also act as wake-to-sleep?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2005, 19:02:53 pm »
Hmmm, we bottle feed and we do the DF at 11:30.  We never thought of leaving him in his crib and honestly, I don't know that I will do this, because I don't want him to go back to sleep without burping, it can cause gas.  Well anyway, to add my two cents.  We just started the DF a few nights ago, to elliminate a 1:00/2:00am feeding.   It can take some time to work, so you have to see it through to see the effects usually.  Grayson is still waking out of habit, but much later than 1:00 and we do the sh-sh-pat back to sleep.  He goes back to sleep in a matter of minutes.  The second night of doing it was awful, he cried and cried, but that is because we also took away his pacifier at the same time.  I don't know if you will run into this.  If you interested in the DF to elliminate other night feedings, I recommend it highly, but give it some time to work, if it doesn't work right away.  Grayson is going all night without eating and wakes about twice for a quick patt-patt back to sleep.

Grayson born 5/28/05
A Spirited and slightly Touchy little guy[/img][/URL]

Offline mango_baby

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Can DF also act as wake-to-sleep?
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2005, 21:25:01 pm »
I didn't know about the bottle feeding wayof leaving the baby in the crib, until I read it is Tracy's book. She also mentiones that because the babies are so relaxed during their dream feed there is no need to burp them.I thought i'd pass this info on to you, maybe it will make the DF even easier. I have to take mine out to BF, but if I had the choice just to leave him in there. It would be easier it seems since the concern is that the baby may wake up.

hope the info helps.


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Can DF also act as wake-to-sleep?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2005, 01:12:19 am »
hi ladies,

just wanted to throw 2 cents in here.... if you plan on feeding your lo in the basinette, you may want to make sure the mattress is elevated.  feeding your baby while he's flat on his back can increase the risk of ear infections.

 :wink:  :D
DD - Textbook
DS - Touchy/Grumpy