Well, I had a method of putting my lo down for naps, was working great up to 2 weeks ago. She is almost 12 weeks old. I would sit and rock her till she was drowsy and then put her down.Now as soon as i swaddle her, she starts to freak out, she crys really hard for 2 to 10 minutes then she is out like a light. I do the shh pat, but she crys so hard...turning really red type cry, that i feel so bad for her. I stopped swaddleing and she does the same thing. so what should I do. I am so afraid of teaching her bad sleep habits, like depending on the swing to put her to sleep. Or am I overreacting....I am just so second guessing myself lately. I need some reassurance and advice. I feel like just when I think things are going smoothly things change. We are on 3 hour easy, have been since she was 6 weeks old. I am watching out for her tired cues and I put her down with the first yawn or fuss. I have also tried putting her down sooner...same thing. please tell me she will learn the wind down routine. I am at my witts end.