Author Topic: Waking at 5 for the day !!!!!!!  (Read 1728 times)

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Offline hana1978

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Waking at 5 for the day !!!!!!!
« on: October 01, 2005, 10:50:24 am »
Up to very recently my DS was sleeping until about 6.15 - 6.45 each morning - he had about 3hrs sleep in the day and was put to bed at 6.30pm - he was also in our room.
Four days ago we moved him into his own room at the same time extended his bedtime to 7pm (in preparation of the clocks going back soon) - now all of a sudden he wants up at 5am.  He babbles and sings for half an hour then starts crying so its not a case of me rushing in.  He seems fine in his new room, only one night waking for food as per normal - im not sure the recent move is the reason.
Is putting him to bed half an hour later making him wake an hour earlier?

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Waking at 5 for the day !!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2005, 11:31:04 am »

Offline hana1978

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Waking at 5 for the day !!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2005, 17:26:06 pm »
6 months corrected 4

Offline chell

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Waking at 5 for the day !!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2005, 17:36:40 pm »
Hi Hana, wow looks as though you are doing really well! The only thing I can relate to about your situation, is that when I tried to alter Jacobs sleep times by more than 15 minutes it just didn't work and he would wake either at the same time or earlier. Not sure why. It maybe worth trying smaller increments of time, but perhaps something else is going on.

Any other ideas anyone?
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Waking at 5 for the day !!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2005, 03:30:50 am »
Have to agree with chell, if you change times too much, they can cut back at both ends. I know with my 2yo if he has a late night, he has an early morning at the other end too. So it might take awhile to adjust.
- sounds like the night wakings have improved... good work Hana!
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Offline hana1978

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Waking at 5 for the day !!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2005, 19:38:02 pm »
Oh god yeh they have i shouldnt complain hes a good boy really - goes down at 7pm, DF at 11pm then wakes about 2-3 for a feed - he used to sleep until 6.30 but now its 5am and its killing me esp now im back at work.
With the clocks going back soon thats means he will wake at 4am doesnt it??  :(
Do you think teething could play a part?  Would it make him wake up early?  He has started dribbling and chewing his hands and toys allot - whilst making lots of NOISE.
This morning he woke at 5am and i left him in his cot babbling and making a racket until 6.40am when he started crying so i got him up - thing is hed been up for 1h40m so was really tierd and i just didnt know what to do coz i KNEW he wouldnt go back in his cot just yet!!

Offline Sylvana

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waking too early
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2005, 16:11:39 pm »
My little guy is just 23 weeks today (almost 6 months) and is strictly breastfed (we'll be trying solids in the next couple of weeks). He also goes to bed between 6 and 7, wakes once at around 1 am to feed then sleeps until between 5 and 6 am.
I'm worried about the time change as well - that he'll be waking at 4 am for the day! He is not a very good napper (still has 3 - 4 naps a day anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour if I'm lucky) and because of this he has a hard time making it to a 7 pm bedtime. I've tried to put him down later but he just is so tired most days that I can't. Plus I've heard that putting them down later doesn't necessarily make then wake up later.
Although perhaps over 2 weeks they would adjust to the new schedule?

Up until his 4 month growth spurt he had been sleeping through the night from about 11 weeks (so nice but those days are gone).

I'm really not sure what to do about the time change either other than just keep him up an hour later and let him adjust over a 2 week period or something. Suffer throught it? :(