HI, I am mum to an 11 month old boy. Until September of this year Jose took 2 naps per day each for 1.5 -2 hours and slept from 7.30pm - 7.30 am. Brilliant! Then we took a holiday and things have not been the same since! Jose now has 1 nap a day for about 1 - 1.5 hours and then will not go to bed in the evening. Our routine is bath at 7.00pm, clean teeth, quiet read of book in bedroom, milk then bed. Now though Jose cries the minute I put him in his cot, he just seems to spring back into life! He stands and at first tries to play with me, when I ignore his efforts and PD he crawls around, gets up and I PD again, this goes on until he gets angry and starts screaming at me. I then PU take him out of the room for 10 mins - half an hour then take him back to bed. He will then go to sleep, this is usually 8.30 - 9pm. Yes I know from the message board this is wrong and I must persist with PD?? My question is ; does he still need 2 naps per day (which he refuses), is he not in need of that much sleep where he is sleeping through the night and waking at 8.00 am now? Am I trying to get him to sleep too early now? Is this just his personality/temperment? His day time naps are out of my control 3 x per week as I work and am dependent on Nursery and Gran who I know have screwed my day time routine, has this been the trigger for night time problems? I know my problem pales compared to some of the postings and you won't be able to answer all my questions but boy it helps to get it all out and but I would really appreciate input. Many thanks Diane