Author Topic: 11 months old and not sleeping enough - ADVICE PLEASE!  (Read 4666 times)

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Offline jose' mum

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11 months old and not sleeping enough - ADVICE PLEASE!
« on: October 27, 2005, 20:58:28 pm »
HI,  I am mum to an 11 month old boy.  Until September of this year Jose took 2 naps per day each for 1.5 -2 hours and slept from 7.30pm - 7.30 am.  Brilliant!  Then we took a holiday and things have not been the same since!  Jose now has 1 nap a day for about 1 - 1.5 hours and then will not go to bed in the evening.  Our routine is bath at 7.00pm, clean teeth, quiet read of book in bedroom, milk then bed.  Now though Jose cries the minute I put him in his cot, he just seems to spring back into life!  He stands and at first tries to play with me, when I ignore his efforts and PD he crawls around, gets up and I PD again, this goes on until he gets angry and starts screaming at me.  I then PU take him out of the room for 10 mins - half an hour then take him back to bed.  He will then go to sleep, this is usually 8.30 - 9pm.  Yes I know from the message board this is wrong and I must persist with PD??   My question is ;  does he still need 2 naps per day (which he refuses), is he not in need of that much sleep where he is sleeping through the night and waking at 8.00 am now?  Am I trying to get him to sleep too early now?  Is this just his personality/temperment?  His day time naps are out of my control 3 x per week as I work and am dependent on Nursery and Gran who I know have screwed my day time routine, has this been the trigger for night time problems?  I know my problem pales compared to some of the postings and you won't be able to answer all my questions but boy it helps to get it all out and but I would really appreciate input.  Many thanks Diane

Offline GraceKellysmom

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11 months old and not sleeping enough - ADVICE PLEASE!
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2005, 01:16:39 am »
If the mod wants to move this to the toddler sleep forum, we may get more answers there.

Sounds to me like a little bit of sep anxiety going on. My ds had it really bad around 11-12 months. He was normally happy to sleep and all of the sudden didn't want me to leave the room. I went back several times for several nights to reassure him. I only comforted him as much as he needed, careful not to become a prop for him to fall asleep.

We went to one nap at 11 months, but only because he started only sleeping 30 minutes for the 2nd nap and I wanted him to nap longer in the afternoon. If one nap works for him, then go for it. Experiment with lay down times, and give him a couple of weeks to adjust. At first my ds only slept 1.5 hrs, but now most days he sleeps 2.5-3 hrs, if I lay him down at the right time. (not too early, not too late, usually around 12:30-1:00 and he wakes at 7am)

HTH, the night time thing will get better. There are a lot of night wakings when they learn to pull up to stand in their crib and again right before they start walking independently. After that they usually sleep much better because they wear themselves out!  :lol:
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11 months old and not sleeping enough - ADVICE PLEASE!
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2005, 22:51:28 pm »
We've had a ton of ups & downs lately too; I think it's due to the 2-1 nap transition (also 11 months).   The days she has one nap, I put her to bed early - like 6:30, and that seems to help, because once we get to overtired we're in for a fight.  It's basically giving her that second nap at bedtime instead of during the day, so her total sleep time doesn't drop so suddenly.

Yesterday I asked a friend who does daycare (so tons of baby experience, right?) how to get through this nap transition, and she laughed and said just try to survive it however you can and know it will end in a couple months.  :?

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11 months old and not sleeping enough - ADVICE PLEASE!
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2005, 17:57:54 pm »
moving to the toddler sleep board  :wink:
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Offline jose' mum

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11 months old and not sleeping enough - ADVICE PLEASE!
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2005, 19:39:43 pm »
Hi,  thanks for all the advise.  took me a while to find my message as it moved to toddler - god is my 11 month old baby boy a toddler already!!!?  Well I have taken on board your advice,  I have re-read BW and reminded myself.  I am ashamed to admit that the sleep issues were down to me.  Jose started kicking off and instead of me persisting I would give in and let him come downstairs, this escalated until we were at our current situation.  Tonight was 3rd night of PD and we only needed to PD twice with a bit of Pat and Shush.  Result!  Saying that I do agree that with every "development change" there is a sleep effect.  Maybe the couple of months your carer mentioned is up for me and my efforts are just co-incidental!  :lol:

Anyway thanks for your help,  this is my first visit to BW and I will definately be a regular visitor.  Cheers Diane  x