LOL, totally understand, been there - but don't stress about it. :wink:
My dd is basically awake 2.5hrs after her morning wake up, then down for 45-1.5hrs nap, up for another 2.5hrs and then down for 2hrsish and then up again until bedtime. Some babies are on 2 naps and some may still be needing the afternoon catnap.
With my ds for his first Christmas he was about 7mths old and we really just went with the flow. I kind of kept to the routine for feeds, but just had to wing it for naps, less stressful - it all worked out ok in the end and I think we just had to put him down early for bedtime.
If you're having the day away from home, perhaps get your lo used to sleeping in a different environment now if you like so it will be familiar.
Perhaps check out the EASY forum at the top for routines for this age group.