Author Topic: 14-month-old, Early Waking, Can't seem to get comfortable?  (Read 1205 times)

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14-month-old, Early Waking, Can't seem to get comfortable?
« on: October 24, 2005, 16:45:07 pm »
I need your help please! I have a 14-month old that I started PU/PD (more PD) four days ago to fix short naps and early wakeups. I have been terrible and rocked him to sleep always.  The first few days were bad but the naps improved drastically. Yesterday was okay, but this morning he woke up at 3:30 a.m. (usually 5 am) and just couldn't get back to sleep. I did PD and he stayed down, then tossed and turned and cried. He is trying so hard to go to sleep but just can't seem to get comfortable. He will turn and toss then sit up and cry, I'll lay him down and the whole process starts over again. It took until 5:15 for him to fall asleep. At least he stayed down after that until 7.  :(

He just went down for first nap at 10:30 and it was a huge struggle, much worse than day 2 and 3.  He cried a lot, wanted to be held. Is this just a case of it getting worse before it gets better??

Does anyone else have a wiggly baby who couldn't get comfortable that figured out a solution to this? We just bought him a new mattress. I've tried to get him attached to a "lovie" to no avail.

Please help. :(

S and Z

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14-month-old, Early Waking, Can't seem to get comfortable?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2005, 17:12:34 pm »

Yes, in most cases there is a bit of a relapse after a few days, but you just need to stay consistent and things will get back on track.  However, that being said my ds always gives me a hard time when he is coming down with something.  Do you think he may be coming down with something at all?

Myles 12/06/03