Author Topic: Is this Sep Anx or something else? (LONG)  (Read 1551 times)

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Offline Theresa&Emma

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Is this Sep Anx or something else? (LONG)
« on: October 24, 2005, 04:28:17 am »
Hi Everyone,

Emma is 15 months old, and once I got a hold of Tracy's books when she was 8 months old, became a fantastic sleeper - until recently.  She was sleeping 7-7 atnight and having a 2 hour nap during the day.

Just over 2 weeks ago, she started waking in the middle of the night and would settle instantly the instant I picked her up, but would cling to neck and not let go and scream whenever I tried to put her down.  DH tired, but she wouldn't even settle for him, she just kept pointing to the door saying mumumum and crying.  DH has been really busy at work, and I am 14 weeks pg with #2, so in order to get some sleep we brought her to our bed (I still throw up everyday and getting up at night just makes it worse!).

However, this has been going on for over 2 weeks now, and DH and I have been running through everything that may be a problem, but are at a loss.  She has an appt with our Dr tomorrow to rule out anything medical being wrong with her, but I was hoping perhaps you may have some suggestions.  We have been taking her to our bed because we don't know what else to try.

She has been teething, but still wakes up regardless as to whether or not she has pain relief.  She has started at daycare 1 afternoon per fortnight, but this started over a week before she started having disturbed sleep.  She did go off her food for a few days, but is back eating reasonable well now.

The things still on our list of possible causes are:
Her realising that I have been so sick (I've been threatened with hospitalisation for the m/s, and am now having slight bleeds so supposed to be resting), and picking up that I can't be as involved with her, so she's missing me - hence the reason its me she wants at night.

Separation Anxiety

Illness - but we'll know for sure tomorrow on this one.

She has just started to stand up, and has taken an odd step here or there, but she doesn't seem interested in walking.

Any suggestions will be gratefully appreciated.

Thanks so much

PS Emma is Grumpy/Spriited in case that makes any difference

Emma Jane 17/7/04

Offline elfin

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Is this Sep Anx or something else? (LONG)
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2005, 17:08:38 pm »

How did the docor's go?  My first thought whenever a previously good sleeper suddenly changes, is that it is an illness of some sort.

If she has been given the all clear however, my second thought would be teeth.  Has she gotten her molars and eyeteeth yet?  These were not fun for us at all!  If you think it may be this, try giving some pain meds before bed.  Have you ever used PU/PD?  You may need to implement this for during the night when she wakes.  How is she falling asleep at the beginning of the night by the way?  She has now gotten into a habit of coming into your bed in the night, so it will take some work and consistency, but it will work.

Post back and we'll try and help!

Myles 12/06/03

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Is this Sep Anx or something else? (LONG)
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2005, 18:20:35 pm »
Starting daycare might be it.  Now she realizes this is a regular thing that she's going to.

She could also sense that you're sick/stressed.  It's amazing what my girls have picked up on.   :wink:

Offline evanskimberley

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Is this Sep Anx or something else? (LONG)
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2005, 20:13:37 pm »
Sorry don't have any suggestions, just wanted to sympathis with you as DD is very clingy too at the moment and is the same age.

Does she have a lovey? if she waked in the night and only you will do then maybe you could give her a bit of you in the form of a lovey or a teddy?
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Offline Theresa&Emma

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Is this Sep Anx or something else? (LONG)
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2005, 04:23:27 am »
Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for your replies - its nice to know that there is help out there!!

Drs appt this morning went well - Emma is in perfect health.  Although I do have a throat infection, still throwing up with morning sickness and still having other complications with this pg.

Teething - She has 3 of her first 4 molars through and no eye teeth at all.  We tried giving and not giving pain meds before bed and it made no difference whatsoever, so I am reluctant to think it is teeth - she was waking up way inside the time that the meds should work for.

Blankie - Emma has a blankie that goes absolutely everywhere with her, and she does rely on it to sleep - but that's not an issue because its always withher.

Daycare - she has only been twice now - do you think even 2 times is enough for her to know that it will continue?  She did goe once a week for about 4 weeks when she was much littler and it didn't affect her sleep then.

Settling - Until last night, she has been going to sleep exactly as normal - really easily!  Our bedtime routine is bath/shower with me, off to bedroom, where she has a drink, and says night night to a baby photo of herself and her pooh bear lamp, then its into bed with blankie.  She might grizzle for a second or two, but always settles quickly.  Last night she just wouldn't settle at all, but she had had a late nap yesterday afternoon because we'd been out in the morning, so I'm hoping it was just that she wasn't tired at bed time.

PU/PD - When we first started to get Em into a routine, I introduced a dream feed at 11, and then when she woke later tried to do pu/pd to get her back to sleep, but after 1.5-2 hours, I ended up taking her outside, calming her down then feeding her to sleep - this happened for about 3 nights, on the fourth night my alarm didn't go off for the d/f, she slept right through, and she had been sleeping through ever since then.  DH was working out of town at the moment, and I just physically couldn't last any longer than I was - and I kept checking the book to make sure I was doing it properly!

I was thinking I would retry PU/PD, but at the moment, DH has put his back out (so no leaning over the cot for hours on end!), and I can't be up for any longer than a couple of minutes without m/s lasting all day long the following day, so I'm thinking it is going to have to wait until DH's back is better, or I'm not so fragile.

We knew when we started bringing her to bed that it was going to be a habit that she would very quickly become used to, so we are prepared for the long haul when it comes to fixing the problem - we just wish we knew what the problem actually was.

DH is thinking we should keep her up later, but I am reluctant to do this after reading Tracy's books, and knowing that she really does need the extra couple of hours sleep.

Any other suggestions??   Oh, it just isn't meant to be easy is it! 

Thanks so much - I'll let you know how tonight goes.


Emma Jane 17/7/04