Yep, he spit out the pacifier and either my husband or I would have to sit there with him, usually for about 20 min putting it back in until he was so deeply asleep that he didn't cry for it. After that he'd sleep fine, until about the 45 min mark, when we'd have to go in once and put it back in. We went on like that for a good long time, but right around 14 weeks, he started waking up for the pacifer every half hour through the night, so we weaned him from it. If I were you, I would suggest holding the pacifier in for the immediate time being. I would also read the "gradual weaning for babies under a year old" thread in the props forum, since that will give you some ideas to keep in the back of your head, and might help you prevent the pacifier from becoming a HUGE problem, like it was for me.
My other suggestion is to try using the "aussie swaddle". You can get directions for it at the top of the general sleep issues board. I also thought my son hated to be swaddled, but many of his wakings were from the jolts that babies go through as they sleep. If he jolted himself awake after 10, 15 or 20 min, we had to start all over. Once I started swaddling him this way, those jolts didnt' disturb him as much. The other good thing about the aussie swaddle is that they can move their arms a bit, and my son sucks his fist through the blanket. It seems to work a lot better than the traditional swaddle for keeping him contained too. It's harder for him to kick out of it. He never liked it, and still doesn't like the process of beign swaddled, but I have found that it is absolutely necessary for him to go to sleep and stay asleep.
I know this is a lot to take in, and some of it may not work, but I totally understand where you are coming from, and how difficult it can be. I commend you for trying to do something about it now, though and I will tell you that it's easier to start them off right than to fix bad habits when they're older. I hope today and tonight go better for you. Good luck.